(no subject)

Dan [FrogEStyle] ( (no email) )
Sun, 26 Mar 2000 22:04:19 -0600

I built the motor using donut magnets. John, the circuit does not work for
me. I put an LED inplace of the coil to see if it was working. Nope, it
was not fireing. I put a 8ohm to 1Kohm transformer on the small wire. The
circuit then fired. However, it would not run...

Finally, I used a 15Amp darlington pair and a reed switch. It worked then!
Infact, the magnets flew across the room after building up some speed.

Help me!! I want to have a solid state circuit not a reed switch!

I dont know how much it matters, but I did no use bearings.. Just a tube
in a hole.. Does it need to turn on bearings so that a really small pulse
will move it
or something??

Has anyone got the circuit to work?

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