Morton Effect

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sun, 26 Mar 2000 08:26:33 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

Mark sent in this note about the 'Morton Effect';

Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 14:15:50 -0600
From: Mark Solis <>

Greetings All,

I have been checking out the "Morton Effect" at this

Space Warp I: Van De Graaf Generator Effect

I would like to point out that from the given
description, this would seem to be the same type of
force exhibited by the test coil pairs put together by
The Advanced Technology Group, Inc., based on the
material of Rick Andersen at Orthogonal Fields And
Vector Potentials

(Sadly, the ATG pulled their pages on their tests of
these "Andersen" coils. Found something really
interesting did they, maybe???)

Interestingly, however, this time, the so-named
"Morton Effect" is achieving the development of
the force by use of clever construction and the
implementation of the "motional electric field" as
discussed by Nils Rognerud at this URL:

The Motional Electric Field

The "clever construction" refered to is the use of an
insulated (that is, glass) tube in order to take
advantage of the "Venturi effect" which, I might point
out, may very well be related to the Casimir Effect,
except that this is a dynamic system, unlike a static
Casimir cavity. (I only speculate here. If I am in
error, I'm sure one of you bright fellows will so
inform me.)

The initial appearance of this effect when a Van de
Graaf was discharged near other objects is reminiscent
of the discharge-cycle for a Brown drive device. (If
you read the available material on the operation of a
Brown drive, the plates must be charged and discharged
in order to get the thrust effect. This was noted in
NASA's experiments [ref Millis] when arcing in the
apparatus caused what the final test report termed
"anomalous motion.")

In all cases mentioned, we are dealing with field
gradient effects for a "motional" or otherwise dymanic
field. (I wonder if the "Morton Effect" will occur
when using a "point source" for the electric
instead of an accumulator [sphere]? Or how might the
force change, if it does?)

It is worth noting that in the case of the motional
electric field, the A-field can be regarded as
"coaxial with respect to the motional electric field,"
insofar as it is observed that the direction of charge
motion and the direction of the inner vector of the
A-field are both the same and coaligned.

Since there is no (indicated) evidence of mass flow,
then what is being observed is charge decoupled from
mass, giving direct evidence of the charge-mass
coupling much discussed by Bearden (which coupling, of
course, can be uncoupled, for doing all kinds of fun
things, as Bearden points out).

No pun intened, folks, but I see a LOT of potential
here...for a space drive in the near term.

Combine the Brown drive, the Morton drive, and the
"Andersen drive" (those toroid coil pairs) in some
novel way, and...???


I think....

It would be a sort of "device stack" to provide
optimized mutual benefit to the operation of the
individual parts, enhancing overall operation....

I picture an in-line flow design, not unlike an
axial-flow turbofan jet engine...with toroidal
"compressors" ahead of the charge accumulator, a
"combustion chamber" (discharge tube section), and an
"afterburner" (in the form of a set of Brown discs,
with the smaller disc rendered as a charge ring,
instead of a solid disc, and a hole in the center of
the larger disc, in order to accomodate the
uncoupled-charge flow).

Power it all with coordinated electric pulses of
variable rate and amplitude under computer control, to
vary the thrust....

An "Andersen-Morton-Brown" engine! (Call it the "AMB

Oh, MAN, are the wheels ever turning now....

Okay---if anybody wants to look at these phenomena
from the standpoint of Relativity physics (or just
plain old Minkowskian spacetime physics in general), I
suggest looking at the following pages:

The Speed Of Light: A Limit On Principle? (Laro

Lightspeed Enigma (Leo Van Dromme)

(Note especially the duck hunting example about

(Also see "Speed Of Light Dependent On Source?", by
Anonymous, published in New Scientist, volume 16, page
276, 1962. Available from pages 694-695 of
"Mysterious Universe: A Handbook of Astronomical
Anomalies" by Dr. William R. Corliss, First Printing
of the First Edition, 1979, The Sourcebook Project.
ISBN 0-915554-05-4, LC 78-65616)

Photon Dies Screaming (Bill Beaty), et al (re: where
Morton discusses "photon-like nature")

The Flaws Of General Relativity (Laro Schatzer) (Just
to bear in mind regarding "electrogravity")

Please send all comments and questions to

Yours truly,

Mark A. Solis


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