Re: MSM experience (dimethyl sulfone)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 21:20:43 -0600

Hi Folks!

I just talked with my mother and she said that white paste
that was put on my grandfathers nose cancer did NOT have any
electrical device connected to it...same for our friend
Dorothy's relative...she said you just left it on til it
dried out and began to flake off, sounds a lot like the
potassium rich Cansema paste.

My mother then told me another weird folk remedy that was
claimed to make an infertile woman fertile.

It reminded me of Dr. Harold Saxton Burr of Yale University
who discovered and mapped what he called the 'electrodynamic
field'. He found that the electrical fields in the body
affected the health, that a woman could dip her fingertips
in a petri dish of saltwater and measure the voltage. By
mapping it, he could determine when she was ovulating so she
would know when to try for a pregnancy. I don't have the
details of the experiments he did but I'm sure they are at
Yale in his papers.

In talking about old folk remedies she asked if I remembered
a local family whose kids we attended school with...yep, I
remembered them very well,...she said well, their oldest
daughter, Julia was a 'Pinkham' baby...said her mother and
father had been married for years and she couldn't have
children. They really wanted a family of their own and a
lady in town knew about it and told her to try something
called 'Lydia E. Pinkham' lotion.

This was available at any drugstore back 50-60 years ago and
was a clear fluid. I'm not sure if it was a liniment
(rubbing lotion) or what, but this lady told the infertile
woman that if she would drink a tablespoon of this lotion
every day until the bottle was empty, she would get

I know, it sounds so hokey, but before the bottle ran out,
this lady had a baby. A couple of years later they were
disappointed because they couldn't have a 2nd child so she
bought another bottle of this stuff and sure enough, another
girl child was born...but a couple of years later, she had a
son without the lotion.

Wonder if there might have been a patent with the
formulation for that fluid and if it could be duplicated for

The country rumor was that this lotion strengthened 'the
female organs', increasing fertility.

I wonder if there is some way an electrical method could be
determined, using Dr. Burrs research so that not only could
it be used to monitor ovulation but also, perhaps a method
used to electrically suppress fertility as a kind of birth
control device?

Jerry Wayne Decker wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> Ren had sent an email saying the old time treatment
> for colds and just about everything was 'sulphur and
> treacle'.
> I thought treacle meant something like syrup so looked
> it up as;
> trea·cle (trkl) n.
> Cloying speech or sentiment.
> Chiefly British. Molasses.
> A medicinal compound formerly used as an antidote for
> poison.
> I was talking with my mother and she said she didn't
> know about this 'treacle' business but a long time
> ago, when she was a girl and much earlier, people used
> to mix sulphur and molasses to treat colds, flu and
> just about anything. She said it wasn't heated, just
> about a teaspoon of sulphur mixed with molasses and
> spoon fed to the sick person.
> A few years ago, she told me her father had a cancer
> on his nose that was growing. A lady came to our
> hometown of Childress and rented a house where she
> treated people with a white paste and an electrical
> machine. She was a little girl at that time (early
> 30's) but she remembers the lady applied this white
> paste to her dads cancer on his nose, he left it a
> couple of days, it dried out and the cancer fell off
> leaving pink skin behind.
> ------------------------
> In yet another side discussion, a fellow showed us a
> pink mark on his ear and about a 2" rough circle on
> his chest which was healing...he said it was skin
> cancer...he used something called 'Big C'
> (Cansema)which claims to be a highly negatively
> charged potassium compound...when put on a skin
> cancer, it burns for a bit, but within a couple of
> days, the cancer scabs over and eventually falls off,
> leaving new pink was totally amazing to see
> the result....I plan on getting some of this for my
> brother, who has a mild case of skin cancer...
> -----------------------
> Mom was talking to a mutual lady friend of the family
> of many years and they were reminiscing about old time
> treatments including the white paste story, when this
> lady friend said one of her relatives also went to
> that same lady who told her mother that the paste was
> 'alum' but she didn't hear if there was anything else
> mixed with it. That was new to me.
> I thought that was an interesting comment since alum
> causes one to 'pucker', like with a tart candy. It
> also reminded me of Ed's story about a white paste
> that was supposed to use potassium to remove skin
> cancers. It is recounted at;
> ---------------------------
> Some additional hunting on the web about using alum
> with the body;
> ---------------------------
> Prepare this also in a fusion: Put 1/4 oz. of alum
> root in 4 oz. of distilled water and let come to a
> boil, then strain. Be sure the alum root is crushed.
> Add to this, 1/2 oz. of simple syrup and take 1 oz. of
> grain alcohol or rye whiskey and add. This is only to
> be taken, 1 tsp. when there is cramping through the
> alimentary canal or colon. [See GDT's memo 3/12/68
> under 5057-1, Par. R8.]
> 3/07/68 Mr. Sylvester H. Cain's letter to A.R.E.:
> "...In the Circulating File on colitis 'Alum Root' is
> mentioned but when I ordered it from Meredith's Drug
> Store they told me that was a 'misnoma' [misnomer];
> can you define it for me and tell me where I can get
> it? Thank you..."
> 3/12/68 Memo from GDT, Secretary of A.R.E.: The Xerox
> copy below is made of a definition in a very old
> medical dictionary [Gould's Medical Dictionary;
> Copyright 1916, revised ed., by P. Blakiston's Son &
> Co.]. I find that alumroot is an herb and not a
> chemical, and should not be confused with the other
> just plain 'alum' references in the Edgar Cayce
> readings.
> [Sections from the dictionary:]
> "alumroot. The root of Heuchera americana. Its
> properties are due to gallic and tannic acids. It is
> very astringent. Dose of the fluid extract 10 - 20
> min. (0.65 - 1.3 cc). Also the root of Geranium
> maculatum, a mild astringent."
> ---------------------------
> In the conditions in the physical forces of the body,
> [348] - these, we find, are GRADUALLY gaining in
> strength. While there are tendencies of the reversing
> to the impulses of old conditions, these - as we find
> - are rather impulses THAN of specific causes. Those
> properties as have been given, as to change the
> vibratory forces of the body - or just to have small
> quantity of the alum root and to occasionally nibble
> or chew a small quantity - will be found to be most
> helpful. [As given in 348-8 on 9/24/30, prior to
> emergency surgery. See 348-10, Par. 5-A.]
> Do not over eat. These may not be as building in
> tissue as is desired, but it is building in vitality.
> Don't get fat too fast! In the strength of the
> muscular forces of the body, necessary that IRON be a
> vital element in the proper replenishing of system.
> Make a habit of eating at least two pears every day,
> and of citrus fruits - not too much of the oranges;
> more of the lemon and grapefruit - but in apples,
> beware. The fruits are well, but only those that will
> furnish lots of IRON - and especially of that
> NECESSARY element in recuperative forces of
> phosphorus, which comes - and will be found MOST - in
> conch soup.
> (Q) What is conch soup?
> (A) Soup made from the conch!
> (Q) Is it advisable to eat fish, oysters, or shell
> fish?
> (A) The conch is shell, and this alone we would use in
> any quantity. Won't like it at first, but it will be
> well when this is taken as a carrier for that
> necessary amount of phosphorus in the system. It will
> change the vibratory forces of the body - but don't
> leave out the alum root, for this will be necessary to
> change the vibrations and impulses of the body. Do
> that.
> ---------------------------
> Oddly enough, my mother has always said she thinks a
> lot of todays health problems come from eating from
> aluminum cooking pans, because people used mostly cast
> iron and copper a long time ago.
> Another Cayce comment;
> - (Do not use aluminum cookware.)
> - diarrhea due to overactivity of the lymph
> circulation through the alimentary canal may be
> lessened by alum root, heuchera americana.
> - Alum root also relieves tight muscles
> ---------------------------
> Biological name (genus and species): Heuchera
> Parts used for medicinal purposes: Roots
> Chemical this herb contains: Tannins (See Glossary)
> Shrinks tissues.
> Prevents secretion of fluids.
> Miscellaneous information:
> Is used externally and internally by some tribes of
> North- American Indians for many disorders.
> Is used as a douche.
> Treats heart disease.
> Prevents infection in injured skin.
> Don't take if you:
> Have liver or kidney disease.
> Are pregnant, think you may be pregnant or plan
> pregnancy in the near future.
> Have any chronic disease of the gastrointestinal
> tract, such as stomach or duodenal ulcers, esophageal
> reflux (reflux esophagitis), ulcerative colitis,
> spastic colitis, diverticulosis, diverticulitis.
> ---------------------------
> This plant likes to grow in crevices and in wet rocky
> areas - hence it's other common names of Crevice
> Huechera and Mountain Saxafrage. The dried flower
> stems are a familiar sight in late summer and fall.
> The root and leaves of Alum Plant are high in tanin
> content, and are used in herbal remedies as an
> astringent. The powdered root is good for shaving
> nicks, I hear, and dried leaves or root slices added
> to pickling keeps fruits and vegetables crisp and
> colorful. Really!
> --------------------------------
> The point with all this is showing that alum could
> well 'shrink tissue' such as cancer. I don't quite
> get the potassium link with the Cancema paste.
> ---------------------------
> provides list of foods rich in potassium and indicates
> cancer cannot grow in potassium;
> Through our Research at Earthsense, into Cancer and
> its cause and potential herbal cure, we have found
> that Cancer cells cannot multiply in Potassium,
> therefore we recommend that those suffering from
> Cancer should ensure that they have a daily intake of
> a minimum of 1,000mg of Potassium through Potassium
> rich foods. We have researched a list of foods rich in
> Potassium which will enable those with Cancer to know
> which foods are rich in Potassium.
> ----------------------------
> Another major feature of the Gerson therapy is
> restoring the balance of potassium and sodium in the
> body.
> Dr. Gerson maintained that cancer alters the body's
> normal sodium-to-potassium balance, already disturbed
> by the modern oversalted diet.
> Liver, brain, and muscle cells normally have much
> higher levels of potassium than of sodium, but in
> cancer patients, observed Gerson, the ratio is
> reversed.
> The Gerson therapy aims to remove as much sodium from
> the cancer patient's body as possible, replacing it
> with potassium. The diet stresses foods rich in
> potassium and low in sodium, with no salt added.
> In addition, patients receive a potassium solution,
> added to juices ten times daily. Edema, or fluid
> retention, caused by an excess of sodium, reportedly
> disappears with great frequency when patients ingest
> high amounts of potassium in juices. Restoring
> potassium levels to normal in the major organs of
> severely ill patients can take a year or two.
> Gerson's emphasis on restoring the potassium balance
> in cancer patients finds considerable support in
> modern research.
> ----------------------------
> That should be enough to show a definite possibility
> for a paste made from alum and potassium which would
> kill the growth of skin cancer AND shrink the tissues.
> =====
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