new geet site.....?

chuck's corner ( (no email) )
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 11:38:32 -0500

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ok, no one bit on my last post here is the info site for geet .... = I have the mechanical background and believe =
wholeheartedly that he is on the level as well there are others globally =
that can verify his findings so..... just waiting to hear more on the =
subject from the source. thnx, Chuck Farrar
Click here for Free Video!!

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ok, no one bit on my last post here is =the info=20site for geet  ....   I have the =mechanical=20background and believe wholeheartedly that he is on the level as well =there are=20others globally that can verify his findings so..... just waiting to=20hear more on the subject from the source.=20thnx,      Chuck Farrar
Click =here for=20Free Video!!<=/A>
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