Vitamin C
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 01:33:42 EST

I know Vitamin C is crucial to health and many claims have been made that
therapeutic doses can effect cures. A patented brand exists in a time
release form that is supposed to be extra beneficial. I've heard claims of
various types over the years about the vitamin being more potent and
bioavailable when from natural sources.

Last month I spoke at length with a representative from a company called
GNLD, formerly NEO LIFE. I was told they did the original research on
Vitamin E, introduced anti oxidants to the market and were the world leader
in nutritional research. Impressive accomplishments filled the conversation.
And then he said something I'd like to confirm. Can any of you verify or
comment on this: He said that only GNLD has a natural form of Vitamin C and
that "all" the brands for sale today are literally made by the same company
and are synthetic, and thus less helpful!

Quite a bold statement. I know many brands claim to be natural but looking
closely I was surprised to find they weren't. I'd like to know if in fact
such is the case, do they have the monopoly on natural Vitamin C, supposedly
many, many times more potent, effective and inclusive of benifits beyond what
are normally attributed to this amazing (even when synthetic) vitamin.

Any info on Vitamin C's uses, sources and the referenced claim would be


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