MSM and the Ohio Aura Device

T. Bastian ( (no email) )
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 23:52:50 -0500

An Excerpt from the previous MSM links:

Ingested, MSM provides the essential sulfur necessary for a number of body=
Sulfur is an essential component of various compounds and processes in the=
body, and is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, immunoglobulin and=20
enzymes. In the body, sulfur:
=B7 Maintain cell membrane flexibility and permeability, promoting an=
efficient exchange of nutrients and waste products.
=B7 Ensures connective tissue health and the formation of collagen.
=B7 Provides the body with raw materials needed to create new cells,=
repair and replace damaged tissues and organs.
=B7 Figures into energy production, as a component of insulin and=20
prerequisite for normal carbohydrate metabolism

Sounds like that MSM when used with the Aura Device may enhance the=20
benificial effects and healing...

Just an observation...

T Bastian

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