Re: Eating Sulfur

Tue, 21 Mar 2000 13:05:24 +1200

At 06:42 PM 3/20/00 -0600, you wrote:

No depression needed for that my friend.

There were three remedies used by vets which also work on humans.

For flue, pleurisy, Onion tea !! filthy stuff but works fast
For general well being Sulphur and treacle, I cannot remember how much
sulphur perhaps some other oldie can.
For sprains of any kind including artheritis. Lard and copper sulphate
mixed and rubbed on the joints. Makes horses run easy so why not us !!
General. My farm experience has taught me that artheritis is caused by a
cobalt deficiency. I have used cobalt salt lick in the past, ground it up
and used it on my meals. The concentration works the same as iodine in salt.
This sulphur compound told us by the latest post may be the answer to a lot
of trouble because of the way our food is adulterated to make it live long
on shelves.
My interpretation always has been, if food does not spoil within a certain
time, the gut cannot break it down properly because of the additives
prohibiting the natural enzymes to perform. Food does not stay in our body
very long so the additives are performing as designed.
Makes us buy more ! More profit ! and all illusion.


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