Fw: John Hutchison (antigrav experimenter) arrested!

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
Sun, 19 Mar 2000 19:33:51 -0500

Bad synchronicity at work. According to a poster on the Orgonomy list,
yesterday was the anniversary of Reich's books being burned by the U.S.
government. Also, on a Montauk Project webboard there is a claim of a
researcher in Arkansas who was killed by aliens on Friday. (Don't ask...)

----- Original Message -----
From: William Beaty <billb@eskimo.com>
To: <freenrg-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 11:21 PM
Subject: John Hutchison (antigrav experimenter) arrested!

> ((((((((((((((((((((( ( ( ( ( (O) ) ) ) ) )))))))))))))))))))))
> William J. Beaty SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
> billb@eskimo.com http://www.amasci.com
> EE/programmer/sci-exhibits science projects, tesla, weird science
> Seattle, WA 206-781-3320 freenrg-L taoshum-L vortex-L webhead-L
> http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Thinktank/8863/index.html
> John Hutchison Raided At Gunpoint
> By Canadian Police
> Reporting From Shreveport, Louisiana
> Word has been received this morning, Saturday, 18 March 2000, that
> John Hutchison has been raided at gunpoint by Canadian Police.
> John's apartment in New Westminster, British Columbia, was raided at
> 2 PM Friday, 17 March 2000, by gun-wielding police searching for firearms.
> An antique gun collection owned by Hutchison was confiscated in its
> entireity.
> According to Hutchison, a phone call was received at about 2 PM
> Friday, stating that it was the police, and asking John to answer his
> door. Hutchison states that there were 8 to 10 individuals pointing
> weapons at him, only two or three of whom were in uniform. The rest were
> dressed in dark clothing.
> Hutchison was handcuffed and placed on the outside steps while police
> searched the apartment. No warrant was claimed or shown at any time.
> Police stated only that there had been an anonymous complaint that
> firearms were being brought into the apartment.
> Police also called in an "electrical inspector" to examine John's lab
> equipment. This is the famous "Hutchison apparatus" with which John
> produces the renowned "Hutchison Effect."
> Additional individuals dressed in suits were brought in who took
> extensive photographs of the Hutchison apparatus. Hutchison indicates
> that these persons had an "official air" about them, and that they might
> be Government agents, especially given the confiscation of the original
> Hutchison lab, which took place while John was out of the country in 1990.
> None of these persons showed any identification.
> Those who have followed John's career of invention and innovation
> will recall that his first laboratory was forcibly seized by the Canadian
> Government on 24 February 1990 by the direct order of former Canadian
> Prime Minister Brian Mulruney. The Government has retained the lab in
> spite of a court order by Judge Paris of the Supreme Court of British
> Columbia to return it.
> A previous raid on John Hutchison's apartment involving his
> collection of antique firearms occured in 1978, and processing took two
> years. The confiscated antiques were returned at the order of Judge
> Paris. These events occured under the administration of former PM Joe
> Clark.
> The present raid follows close on the heels of a recent successful
> levitation performed 11 October 1999 which was videotaped by John. The
> effect was achieved after six days worth of attempts.
> However, neighbors called local police to complain about Hutchison's
> experiment. It is unclear whether something in their apartment levitated,
> although there is no other way known at this time that they could have
> been aware of the levitation experiment that was in progress. The
> neighbors in question live across the street from Hutchison.
> The sound of approaching sirens was recorded on the video soundtrack
> of Hutchison's camcorder during the experiment, and video of some
> emergency vehicles and personnel was obtained.
> Further updates on the situation will be posted promptly on this
> website.
> Mark A. Solis
> Shreveport, LA USA
> Webmaster for John Hutchison
> your_neighbor@geocities.com
> http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Thinktank/8863/index.html

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