RE: SL Lasers

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Sun, 19 Mar 2000 18:46:45 -0500

I have tried and obtained results in sonoluminescence with a boiling
flask, about 250ml. But 'exact' wavelengths of violet light (blue)
is about 400 to 500nm (nano meter). This made no sense to me.. seeming
that the flask diameter is around 76,000 um or 76,000,000 nm? It
maybe a multiple but... The sound waves are what make the bubble
collase in the center.. thus resulting in contructive inferference to
the injected bubble shinking it and making it collapse.
v/r Ken Carrigan

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Perry
To: keelynet
Sent: 3/18/00 9:52 PM
Subject: SL Lasers

In regards to sonoluminescence, has anyone every yet tried making the
flasks for the experiments to have a width of an exact multiple of the
blue light from the bubble, and possibly, make the glass reflective, so
the light would lase inside the flask, and possibly add energy to the

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