Re: Faster-than-light speed transmitter

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 22:31:09 -0600

Hi Norm!

Was that 1000 degrees Kelvin?? I'll have to drag out the
tapes...but I do remember we were fascinated by so much of
what David Hudson said and particularly what he told us at
the private meetings...I don't think any of us pinned him
down on that zero point thing...but he did say it was the
key to tapping free energy.

I believe it was after that when he got in touch with Hal
Puthoff who offered to do that experiment to prove if the
mass translated to another dimension...remember that???

In a nutshell, his entire premise is that you can ingest
monoatomic elements which will enhance the superconductivity
of the cells in the body, thus energizing you so much that
you become perfectly resonant with other humans you come in
contact with for healing and can perform
'miracles' such as levitation and have a glow (auric
stimulation where he says the aura is due to the Meissner

and that if you keep eating it, you will eventually
disappear to another dimension like a submarine setting its
ballast to rise to a specific density this case

Well, David said that if you put a piece of this monoatomic
material on a scale and heat it, the element will lose
weight and eventually disappear...remove the heat and the
element reappears...

David believed it literally went from this dimension to

So, Hal Puthoff asked David to send him a sample of the
material that does this and he would put it on a scale, heat
it til it loses weight and disappears, then push a
mechanical wiper THROUGH the location where the sample had

Then remove the heat....if the sample REAPPEARS in the same
place, then it really did transcend to another dimension and
not just become invisible....

I don't recall if it was at John Bockris' Low Level Energy
Conference or at some other meeting, but I asked Hal if he
was ever able to do that experiment as I'd not heard of
it...he said he had offered to and David promised to send a
monoatomic sample but had failed to do so....

So much for that...

Good correlation on this Norm!! I think somewhere there is a
transcript of Davids lecture lifted from Cheyennes videotape
of the workshop where he pointed that out in the
slides....have to look for that...

Found the Ormus papers at;

with the Science side of the workshop we attended at;

(remember how Cheyenne made me promise NOT to transcribe and
post this...I told her someone else WOULD because it was
just too important to rely on just one more piece
of her legacy that people should appreciate)

Here are relevant excerpts;

Now, in simplistic terms we are back to talking about the
very same things that, 3000 B.C., that the Egyptians were
talking about. A light body and a physical body. They
can't be separated from each other and yet the two need each
other to function as we are now. The physical body cannot
effect the light body but the light body can effect the
physical body. The light body is actually what keeps the
physical body corrected, so it doesn't become a rock, it
becomes a living thing, and that's what corre cts it. And
you actually have two aspects to you. You have your
physical body and you have your light body, and the light
body is what is in resonance coupling with the zero point or
vacuum energy all the time. Okay, it's like a radio
frequency receiv er that is literally resonating or
quivering with that vacuum energy, each atom quivering with
that energy and literally bringing that energy into our
three dimensional existence. Okay, it manifests it up into
us. So literally god, this infinite energy that's at the
zero point, we can't tap that energy. We can't access that
energy as our three dimensional being, because we can never
look into the vacuum.

Now I just simply throw this in. "When you understand that
a Cooper pair is actually two waves perfectly equal and
opposite". Now this is very important to understand. That
two waves equal and opposite create a null.

Now you cannot measure two waves equal and opposite because
their effects are canceled. So in our three dimensional
existence you don't have anything that deflects anymore, a
meter or a gauge or anything, it's a null. But do not ever
believe that this is nothing.

The two waves are still there, and this is a nothing that is
everything. Now once again we'll repeat this. Two waves
equal and opposite, the electron and the positron, the
mirror image, are perfectly in harmonic, and they go like
this, they're two waves equal and opposite . Or as this man
puts it, this is Dan Winters, it looks just like this.

When these two waves cancel, and you can see he does a real
nice job, he shows them a little jerky here. That the wave
actually has a width to it. And so when these waves appear
to cancel what they really produce is a residuum wave that
can be measured, and that is the Planckian frequency.
Coincidentally, the vacuum energy.

That is it and it only is produced with two waves. It
doesn't make any difference what length those waves are as
long as they're equal and opposite.

( check out Pearson at; )

When these two waves cancel they literally leave a residuum
vibration that is very tiny and very short and that is the
Planckian frequency.

....the inter-reaction of the zero point energy which he
shows depicted as the center or literally that the
vibrations actually go to null, to nothing and that's the
center. And that's the frequency inter-reaction of the DNA.

As you come across the electro-magnetic spectrum from the
tower waves, radio waves, microwaves, when you approach the
ultra-v iolet, you find that this energy right here, and he
actually has this backwards according with how it's depicted
today, as you come from these long wavelengths going to
short wavelengths in this direction, that literally this is
called black body radiati on.

This is the energy that emits from a perfectly absorbing
black body. Okay and it builds and collapses and then the
solar energy light spectrum is over on the left side and it
collapses, and the two don't come together, and he was
really disturbed o f why don't these two peaks just run
together like this.

Why do they come up and just collapse? And what he was
encountering is the electro-magnetic zero point. This is
what I'm telling you. And I'm telling you the same thing he
was telling you except I'm telling it to you with a
different perspective.

Now if you pick up the electro-magnetic spectrum and you
look at it you'll find absorption spectroscopy and emission
spectroscopy all on the same chart. But they're not exactly
the same, they're slightly offset because it's a logarithmic
chart and where this turns around and goes back is where the
electro-magnetic zero point is and it just happens to be
dead center where these two won't reconcile .

You get a singularity. It's where it literally turns around
and starts to come back and at the point where it perfectly
turns there's actually a singularity.
Because in reality it literally turns and runs off in
another dimension and then comes out of that dimension and
continues on. The two miss each other by Planck's
frequency, they don't touch.

That's the width of the frequency. And th at's what it
looks like, that's literally coming up and turning and
running down into another dimension and coming out of that
dimension and continuing on. It's where another dimension

It's where time intersects the electro-magnetic spectru m
and it intersects at the electro-magnetic zero point.

Where do you find that? You find it at the area where
matter exists, you find it at the temperatures where you

To the right is the ionization spectrum, to the left is the
ultra . . . . is the microwave, but it's in this spectrum,
in the middle, where the zero point is.

It's what makes up matter. All physicists are looking for
that singularity.
They're trying to crunch waves tighter and tighter and
tighter and tighter and tighter together until they
literally. . . ., and they're going way out past deep gamma
trying to crunch those waves together and get them where
they stack on top of themselves.

But the amazing thing is at the electro-magnetic zero point
they literally turn and run off, and relative to you they
stack on top of themselves. It's inherent in the system
that this singularity occurs at the ele ctro-magnetic zero

And all physicists are looking for the creation way out in
deep gamma and right back here at null, it's where it all
came from. It's the primal soup. It's where particles are
born out of that vacuum energy every day.

Electrons disappear into it and reappear out of it
continually. It is the creative force. It's where it all
came from.

How's that? thanks Norm, great call!!!


Norman Wootan wrote:
> Hi! jerry and all others interested in this new post on this
> patent. OK! Jerry, go back to the Work Shop that you and I
> attended hosted by David Hudson. Remember the
> Electromagnetic Spectrum that has two halves, the absorptive
> and the emissive. Remember the tiny space between these two
> halves being exactly on the 1000 degree Kelvin line that is
> in the low infra-red portion of the light spectrum.
> Remember David said he believed that this was the opening to
> the "ZERO POINT". Remember he said "If you could stand in
> this tiny gap in the spectrum and turn 90 degrees you would
> be looking at the creator of all things". Now calculate
> the closeness of a temperature slightly over 1000 degrees F.
> to the 1000 degree Kelvin temperature line. ????? Isn't this
> interesting and provoke some dialog from the KeelyNet
> audience. Comments all. Norm

--             KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science        Jerry W. Decker - archives - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite, TX 75187 - 214.324.8741

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