Faster-than-light speed transmitter

Norman Wootan ( )
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 18:59:56 -0600

Hi! jerry and all others interested in this new post on this
patent. OK! Jerry, go back to the Work Shop that you and I
attended hosted by David Hudson. Remember the
Electromagnetic Spectrum that has two halves, the absorptive
and the emissive. Remember the tiny space between these two
halves being exactly on the 1000 degree Kelvin line that is
in the low infra-red portion of the light spectrum.
Remember David said he believed that this was the opening to
the "ZERO POINT". Remember he said "If you could stand in
this tiny gap in the spectrum and turn 90 degrees you would
be looking at the creator of all things". Now calculate
the closeness of a temperature slightly over 1000 degrees F.
to the 1000 degree Kelvin temperature line. ????? Isn't this
interesting and provoke some dialog from the KeelyNet
audience. Comments all. Norm

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