Re: Excellent Theory of Lightning - condensation/evaporation=charge separation

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sun, 12 Mar 2000 07:05:07 -0800 (PST)

Hi DM et al!

I sent the following email to Lynn Mills about the
site, thanks for sharing the info DM, it is excellent!
Hi Lynn!

My name is Jerry Decker and I run the KeelyNet website
as below. We are quite interested in new theories
particularly if they assist in solving our quest for
practical free energy, gravity control and electronic
health technologies.

One of the guys on our discussion list posted your URL
and I found it the best explanation of how lightning
forms that I've seen anywhere.

You really need to publish that in Nature, Science or
some other formal science magazine as it has a lot of,
forgive the pun, potential.

You should check out a fellow named Lenard who
developed the 'Lenard Effect', back into the 1800's
used high velocity water sprays to create high
voltage. He discovered an effect where water is
ripped apart, it releases static charges that normally
hold it together.

Also, there is a device called a 'wasserfadden' which
I have seen demonstrated. It means 'water fountain'
and it uses a needle, like the one you use to air up a
football or basketball, through which water is pumped
at about 100psi or greater.

It consists of a stand with the needle pointing
downward, aimed into an insulated bucket...the
original was a tin bucket coated with wax. When water
is pushed through the hole in this needle at high
pressure, it sprays into a thin stream into the

Over a very short period of time, a high voltage
charge will build up and even produce a corona around
the needle. If you turn the lights out, you will see
that the mist from the expanded water will be
LEVITATING and glowing a pale blue as it orbits around
this needle.

The higher the 'zeta potential' (ability to hold
electric charge), the more of a charge and the
brighter will be this glow. Also the water is
supposed to be better for you if it has a higher zeta
potential as discovered by Henri Coanda and Patrick

The effect of water under high pressure can produce
LETHAL voltages as occurs with 'water knives' where
water is sprayed in a stream at 40-50,000 psi and is
used to slice through metal and other materials.
These static charge buildups must be grounded off the
Found this file on the wasserfadden;

though its not the 'wasserfadden' experiment and
demonstration I saw in Los Angeles where Walter
Baumgartner demonstrated it at a water conference
about 8 years ago.
Bio of Nobel laureate Philipp von Lenard that does not
mention his side experiments with water and charge
separation though you can see his interest in
luminosity, electrons and studies of the atom;

Definition of the Lenard Effect;

(Term Reference: Lenard effect also called spray
electrification also called waterfall effect)

The separation of electric charges accompanying the
aerodynamic breakup of water drops, first studied
systematically by the German physicist P. {Lenard}.

Experiments have shown that the degree of charge
separation in spray processes depends upon the drop
temperature, presence of dissolved impurities, speed
of the impinging air blast, and contact with foreign

The largest fragments of the broken drops are observed
to carry positive changes and the fine spray of drops
carried off in the impinging air current carries a net
negative charge.

Distilled water drops of 4 mm diameter, broken after a
five centimeter free fall into an updraft of 1 m/sec,
were found by {Chapman} to yield about 10[-10]
coulombs of separated charge per drop.

The Lenard effect was incorporated by {Simpson} into
his breaking-drop theory of thunderstorm charge
generation, but many critical details are but poorly
NASA definition of 'Lenard effect;

The separation of electric charges accompanying the
aerodynamic breakup of water drops, first studied
systematically by the German physicist P. Lenard.

Also called spray electrification, waterfall effect.

Compare Macky effect.

Experiments have shown that the degree of charge
separation in spray processes depends upon the drop
temperature, presence of dissolved impurities, speed
of the impinging airblast, and contact with foreign

The largest fragments of the broken drops are observed
to carry positive charges and the fine spray of drops
carried off in the impinging air current carries a net
negative charge.
Macky Effect was found as;

dielectric strength

A measure of the resistance of a dielectric to
electrical breakdown under the influence of strong
electric fields; usually expressed in volts per meter.

The dielectric strength of dry air at sea-level
pressures is about 3,000,000 volts per meter.

The exact value for air depends upon geometry of the
electrodes between which the electric field is
established, upon the humidity, and upon whether or
not water drops are present in the air ( Macky effect


electrical breakdown

(Term Reference: electrical breakdown or, simply,

The sudden decrease of resistivity of a substance when
the applied electric field strength rises above a
certain threshold value (the substance's dielectric

For air at normal pressures and temperatures,
experiment has shown that the breakdown process occurs
at a field strength of about 3,000,000 volts per m.

This value decreases approximately linearly with
pressure, and is dependent upon humidity and traces of
foreign gases. In the region of high field strength
just ahead of an actively growing leader in a
lightning stroke, breakdown occurs in the form of a
rapidly moving wave of sudden ionization (electron

The dielectric strength in a cloud of water drops is
less than that in cloud-free humid air, for the water
drops are distorted as a result of the Macky effect .
Notes from our archived discussion list as posted at;

where George Wiseman has discovered something novel
which he calls 'electrically expanded water';

Notes from our discussion list about Lenard,
wasserfadden, zeta potential and related matters;

A document on why negative ions are beneficial and
discusses the Lenard effect, from the KeelyNet
database as sponsored by Vanguard Sciences;
That should be enough, just wanted to congratulate you
on your excellent theory and provide some additional
information that correlates. My real email address is as posted on the signage that

Would you mind if I mirrored your page on KeelyNet??
I would of course post a link to your site at the top
of the page as crediting you as the source and inlucde
your website URL.

We get about 260 hits per day and it might open up
your theory to a few more people. The more who know,
the better. Let me know and thanks again.


--- wrote:
> Hi Folks:
> I came across this most excellent theory of the
> mechanism of charge separation that could account
> for lightning.
> It is put forth by Lynn Mills, and is very well
> thought out, simple and logical. With a great deal
> of supporting evidence, and a simple method to
> prove/disprove it.
> I wonder if this charge separation concept with a
> change of state in matter (liquid to gas, etc.)
> could be harnessed? How efficient would it be?
> The site:
> Sincerely,
> DMBoss1021


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