building an ozone generator

Bill Kingsbury ( )
Mon, 14 Feb 2000 00:11:59 -0500


There are many web sites which make Ozone seem a magic bullet.
Of course most are selling Ozone generators for $300.00-$5,000.00.
One can make their own generator for about $25.00 from parts
available at any Home Improvement or Building Supply store.
If you are interested send an email and I'll give you the details.

Main page:

Org: The Alternative Medicine Research Foundation-Est. 1996
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000
Subject: Re: Oxone generator

Bill Kingsbury wrote:
> Hi,
> Please send info on how to build an ozone generator.

Buy a mercury vapor light unit from Ace Hardware, Builder's
Square or similar place.... about 20-25 dollars. This includes
the "starter". A 100 watt unit is fine.

Wrap the bulb in a towel. Carefully break the outer bulb.
One blow from a hammer will do it. You will find a small
rectangular bulb inside (about 1 inch long).

Mount the unit in an enclosure with a fan as it gets hot.

You have an ozone generator which is very useful for topical
applications, ozonating water or cleaning air.

If you wish to ozonate water make the exhaust hole small in
the enclosure. Hook up any little hose and run it in a glass
of water for about 5 minutes. Drink immediately as potency
is lost rapidly.

I would appreciate learning of your experience with the device.


Jon Brooks, M.D.

Discharge Lamps

Mercury Vapor Lamps

Clear mercury vapor lamps, which produce a blue-green light,
consist of a mercury-vapor arc tube with tungsten electrodes
at both ends. These lamps have the lowest efficacies of the
HID family, rapid lumen depreciation, and a low color
rendering index. Because of these characteristics, other
HID sources have replaced mercury vapor lamps in many
applications. However, mercury vapor lamps are still popular
sources for landscape illumination because of their 24,000
hour lamp life and vivid portrayal of green landscapes.

The arc is contained in an inner bulb called the arc tube.
The arc tube is filled with high purity mercury and argon
gas. The arc tube is enclosed within the outer bulb, which
is filled with nitrogen.

Color-improved mercury lamps use a phosphor coating on the
inner wall of the bulb to improve the color rendering index,
resulting in slight reductions in efficiency.


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