Re: Amazing Silver Bandages

Bill Kingsbury ( )
Sun, 13 Feb 2000 14:14:26 -0500

Silver Helps Regrow Human Tissue - Physician Patents
Technique Using Silver Ions

July 27, 1999

Washington, D.C. -- Silver, the same commodity used in coins
and in the manufacture of jewelry, silverware, mirrors and
electronics, helps regenerate human cells that have been
destroyed by disease or damaged in accidents, according to a
recently released report in this month's edition of Silver News,
a bi-monthly newsletter published by The Silver Institute.

Clinical tests indicate that the silver-based procedure is so
successful that one patient who had sustained three crushed
fingers in an accident grew new tissue rapidly. Within 2-1/2
months, skin coverage was complete and there was normal full
sensation, good blood supply and all joints had a normal
range of motion. If left untreated, the 30-year old
electrician's fingers would have fallen off after turning
black from gangrene, and he would have been left with a
totally useless hand. Ironically, his orthopedic surgeon
recommended amputation of all three fingers, but the patient
requested silver-ion therapy which proved successful.

The mechanism by which silver ions help rebuild tissue has
been studied for more than a decade by Dr. Robert Becker of
Becker Biomagnetics in New York. Dr. Becker initially
reported his findings at the First International Conference
on Silver and Gold in Medicine, co-sponsored by The Silver
Institute in 1987. In the decade since, this technique has
been used in clinical settings where hundreds of patients
with various wounds have recovered. In addition, a
laboratory study conducted by the U.S. Army Institute for
Surgical Research in Houston, Texas, showed that laboratory
animals with burn wounds treated under controlled conditions
experienced shortened time for reconstruction with
silver-nylon dressings. Recovery of skin function was faster
when electric current was applied compared to no application
of electric current. Last fall, Dr. Becker received a U.S.
patent (5,814,094) for the devices, materials, and techniques
involved in regeneration of tissue using silver ions.

After several hundred cases, Dr. Becker believes that the
technique works in three stages. The first stage is the
chemical combination of highly active free silver ions with
all bacteria or fungi present in the wound which are
inactivated within 20 to 30 minutes. The second stage occurs
over the next few days. Silver acts on fibroblast cells to
cause them to revert to their embryonic state, becoming stem
cells. These cells are universal building blocks whose role
is to reconstruct new tissue. In the final stage, silver
ions form a complex with the living cells in the wound area
to produce immediately convertible stem cells. The end
result of this conversion is that the stem cells supply all
the building blocks necessary to completely restore all
anatomical structures.

No other known treatment provides sufficient numbers of the
embryonic or stem cells required for true regeneration of
damaged or destroyed tissues in humans and animals. The
success indicates that there is the potential not only for
the healing of near-surface wounds, but for regenerative
repair of internal organs such as the heart, liver, brain and
the spinal cord.

At 12:48 PM 2-13-2000 EST, wrote:
> Greetings everybody. I have been monotoring this list for a good
> while, but this is my first post. There was an interesting
> article recently in a magazine called "Media Bypass." This
> magazine had a cover story extolling the "amazing" healing power
> of silver bandages. Apparently a Dr. Flick has manufactured
> bandages containing silver and has gotten superb results with
> them. There is a photo of a woman, her forehead mangled in an
> accident, after using the bandages a photo shows her back to
> normal. A man lost the tip of his finger, it got chopped off.
> Using the bandages it grew back fingernails and all. Other
> examples are given. Most amazing of all the bandages are FDA
> approved! Did you ever think the FDA would be so enlightened?
> The Doctor has a site at
> I think these bandages could be very useful. Silver colloids are
> great for internal use but these bandages would be very practical
> externally. They can even be washed and re-used a limited number
> of times.


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