Re: PM sale

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sun, 13 Feb 2000 10:05:41 -0800 (PST)

Hi Theo et al!

I don't see any correlation between Carr and Menger,
but then, I'm not Dutch..<g>....just kidding...

Carr's claim to fame as I recall was twofold, one was
the flying disc that he claimed was based on a basic
discovery where

IF the velocity of a rotating object at its equator,
exceeded the velocity of the earth at its equator, the
mass would become independent of the earths gravity

the second claim was the Utron power source which I
have almost no information on, though I think it was

At one time I posted some numbers on what would be
necessary, something along the lines of a 3 foot
diameter disc rotating at 5,000 or 10,000 rpm or more
to exceed the velocity of the earth at the equator.

Now the logical thing is to NOT rotate the PHYSICAL
mass of the ship, but to rotate a plasma around the
ship, electrostatically or magnetically circulated.

Of course, since this critical velocity would have to

1020 mph at the equator where 1 mile = 5280 feet


that is 5280 X 1020 = 5,385,600 feet per hour OR
5,385,600 / 60 minutes = 89,760 feet per minute

just for hoots, lets see what kind of size and
velocity the Carr device would need to exceed the
speed of the earth at its equator and please do check
my math;

circumference = pi r^ (pie ar square)
diameter is radius (r) X 2 and pi = 3.141

so we have a 3 foot diameter disc and we need to
measure its circumference

bear in mind one revolution = the circumference

3 feet X 3.141 = 9.423 foot circumference
89,760 feet per minute at the equator / 9.423 would
need a circumference velocity of 9,525.628 rpm

for a 4 foot diameter disc it would be;
4 feet X 3.141 = 12.564 foot circumference
89,760 feet per minute at the equator / 12.564 would
need a circumference velocity of 7,144.221 rpm

not such a hard thing to achieve and argueable as a
lady friend who works for a big aerospace company told
me they have 'test pits' where large bodies are
routinely rotated at very high velocities and they
don't levitate out of there.

--- Theo Paijmans <> wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> Very interesting post, that on Howard Menger. I was
> wondering, perhaps
> the PM plans could also be those of Otis Carr, who
> was working around
> the same time on his so-called anti gravity saucer
> stuff?
> Anyway, judging from the writing of the person, he
> does not seem to be
> "in the field" so to say. Perhaps he found something
> on a flea or junk
> market and now he thinks he has struck gold.
> He does not name the inventor, nor the name of the
> device.
> Just some thoughts,
> Kind regards,
> Theo Paijmans
> author of: Free Energy Pioneer: John Worrell Keely
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