Amazing Silver Bandages
Sun, 13 Feb 2000 12:48:10 EST

Greetings everybody. I have been monotoring this list for a good while, but
this is my first post. There was an interesting article recently in a
magazine called "Media Bypass" This magazine had a cover story extolling the
"amazing" healing power of silver bandages. Apparently a Dr. Flick has
manufactured bandages containing silver and has gotten superb results with
them. There is a photo of a woman, her forehead mangled in an accident, after
using the bandages a photo shows her back to normal. A man lost the tip of
his finger, it got chopped off. Using the bandages it grew back fingernails
and all. Other examples are given. Most amazing of all the bandages are FDA
approved! Did you ever think the FDA would be so enlightened? The
Doctor has a site at I think these bandages could be
very useful. Silver colloids are great for internal use but these bandages
would be very practical externally. They can even be washed and re-used a
limited number of times.

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