Sonoluminescence & Sonofusion

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Fri, 11 Feb 2000 11:43:54 +0100 (MET)

Hi DM & all

DMBoss wrote :
> Some examples of interesting papers no longer accessible:
> Is this just a case of old links, OR is it that there actually is evidence
> that one can create fusion with a relatively simple reactor based on
> sonoluminescence??? And the gov has classified their research ?

My guess is old links. The Cavitation College is not updated regularly. You
will find most of the Stringham & George papers on Russ George's company
(Saturna Technologies) new (and very informative) web site :

Cheers to all "fellow bubbleheads" !
(that is Knuke's welcome on the College page...)
Jean-Pierre Lentin

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