Sonoluminescence; Fusion; Patent; - Old links or Classified?
Wed, 9 Feb 2000 08:48:21 EST

Hi folks:

I was exploring the links section of the Cavitation College web site
mentioned in reference to the Griggs heating device,

and came across the section entitled "SonoFusion". Some titles of papers, or
other links contained were most intriguing, and suggest that there is
evidence of actual fusion occurring in a sonoluminescent reactor.

However, the really interesting titles/links are either not in existence, or
are now behind a firewall at Lawrence Livermore!

Is this just a case of old links, OR is it that there actually is evidence
that one can create fusion with a relatively simple reactor based on
sonoluminescence??? And the gov has classified their research.

A tantalizing paper discussing the theoretical possibility of fusion from

This paper puts forward a serious conclusion that thermonuclear fusion is
possible in theory from a sonoluminescing bubble in deuterium. And uses a
spike of pressure superimposed on the sinusoidal sound waveform to accomplish

The following article comes from Physics News 209, January 8, 1995:
tuned sound waves cause bubbles in a fluid to oscillate; in the collapsing
part of this motion the bubbles emit short (50 psec) bursts of light, most
likely by some implosion effect. At a recent meeting of the Acoustical
Society of America, Livermore physicist William Moss presented computer
simulations which show that peak temperatures (as high as 1 million K) and
pressures inside the bubbles could, with further experimental refinements, be
sufficient to support nuclear fusion reactions. Experiments at several labs
have not been able to measure such high temperatures; nor have they observed
neutrons, an important product of nuclear fusion. One current experiment, at
Livermore, is using bubbles filled with deuterium rather than air. (Science,
16 December 1994.) "

Some examples of interesting papers no longer accessible:
"Cavitation Induced Sono Fusion: Production of Heat, Tritium,3He,4He -
Stringham and George"

"Observation of Helium Bubbles in Thin Palladium Metal Foil using Scanning
Electron Microscopy - R.George "

"Ultrasonic Cavitation and Micro-Fusion - Stringham and George "

"Photograghic Evidence for Micro Nuclear Explosions (sonofusion) in Thin
Palladium Foils Induced by Intense Ultrasonic Cavitation - R. George "

"Plasma Discharges on Palladium - T. Claytor "


In addition, there is a patent that describes in detail how to use sonic
pulses as in sonoluminescence, to create stable fusion, with useful energy
production, and almost no radiaoactive contamination, that predates the
"discovery" of sonoluminescence. (US patent # 4,333,796)

This patent is rich in detail, and the "reactor" uses liquid metals such as
lithium, and dueterium as the fuel.

Any thoughts/comments?



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