Re: James Griggs: O/U Heating Device

Darren Hesford ( (no email) )
Sun, 6 Feb 2000 10:05:42 -0000

Hi All
Nice to read about the interest in the Hydrosonic Pump of Jim
Griggs / Hydrodynamics Inc again,
I, like I'm sure many others on the list contacted Mr. Griggs some years
back when his pump first came to public attention via the media and found
him to be a nice upfront sort of person with nothing to hide, I also like
someone else on the list was looking into getting the rights to the produce
the pump but only for the UK market and then in a scaled down version for
the domestic market but after a few weeks of conversations with Jim was told
that he was on his way over to England to do a deal with a company in
Cambridge so that is where it all ended !.

Now as to the efficiency of the pump I was under the impression that it was
just over the 100% mark and not massively O/U as indicated by some people,
also something that has always niggled me is that it seemed to be measured
using mains water supply rather than a tank drawn system, Was the Water
pressure taken into account ?

As for the statement:

<"Mr.. Jim Griggs, inventor of the Hydrosonic Pump, is no longer a part of
<Hydro Dynamics Inc. He has departed for other opportunities unknown. All of
<his inventions and patents belong to Hydro Dynamics Inc. and it continues
<be going strong."

<Since then I haven't read any details about this parting, nor on Griggs'
<present whereabouts. Smells funny ? Anyway, cognoscenti in this field
<generally reckon that Griggs himself did a rip off on the Schaefer
<Read it all at the Cavitation College !

To me this sounds like a case of Venture Capitalism, "You know the patter"
Let us help with the finance side of things in return for a small concern in
the company our Lawyers have already got a standard document for this sort
of thing!
Next thing you know they own the company the Patents have been assigned to
them and your working on a $ per hour basis with no say in the matter, and
the only way to keep your sanity is to walk away from the whole thing.

You know the saying "beware strangers bearing gifts" I think that was
written about Venture Capitalists.
But then again that could just be me.

I sent Jerry a copy of the UK TV program Equinox showing the Ultra Sonic
Pump and Stanley Meyers device among others perhaps if you ask him nicely
and he's got the time he might be able to put a short clip on the sight

Darren Hesford

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