RE: James Griggs: O/U heating device

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Sat, 5 Feb 2000 18:57:04 +0100 (MET)

Hi DM, Ken, Norm, Chuck, Chris & all !

> Where does the excess energy come from with Griggs hydrosonic unit?

Seemingly from cavitation, i.e. implosion of microscopic water bubbles,
under ultrasound pressure or vortex friction. Many processes exist and
patents abound. The physics of cavitation is not very developed, so claims
for fusion-like overunity processes might have something...

> Any website available that explains Griggs excess energy and
> what is happening to produce this excess energy?

By far the most comprehensive website on those devices are Michael T.
Huffmann's awesome "Cavitation College" at :

Concerning Griggs, there is the website of his former company, Hydro
Dynamics Inc, still selling the devices at :

BRW, according to a May 1999 post on Vortex-list, from cold fusion
researcher Akira Kawasaki :

"Mr. Jim Griggs, inventor of the Hydrosonic Pump, is no longer a part of
Hydro Dynamics Inc. He has departed for other opportunities unknown. All of
his inventions and patents belong to Hydro Dynamics Inc. and it continues to
be going strong."

Since then I haven't read any details about this parting, nor on Griggs'
present whereabouts. Smells funny ? Anyway, cognoscenti in this field
generally reckon that Griggs himself did a rip off on the Schaefer patent...
Read it all at the Cavitation College !

Jean-Pierre Lentin

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