Re: James Griggs: O/U heating device

Norman Wootan ( )
Sat, 05 Feb 2000 06:37:01 -0600

Here is the URL for Gene Mallove's Infinite Energy magazine.

"Carrigan, Ken" wrote:

> Just wondering...
> Where does the excess energy come from with Griggs hydrosonic unit?
> With most working models of 'overunity' (apparent that is) there is
> energy accountability from either heat, fusion, chemical, etc etc.
> With a heat pump, one gets a COP of 300% or so... but the 'pump' sucks
> heat out of the air.. along with added electrical energy.. and heats
> a home. It is not overunity, but is a "renewable" energy source which
> we can get for free. One could make a heatpump unit to heat water
> also (like Griggs) and make it 300 to 400% or more efficient!
> Geothermal heat pumps can have COPs of 600% which is super amazing.
> Nothing secret about this, though.
> Has anyone heard details about the Presidents latest initiative?
> About pumping $1.5 Billion (additionally) into the "clean energy
> technology" to clean up our environment? MAN! Come on! No one
> can produce some amazing results of overunity with this money?
> What are the spending this on? EV's??? Hybrid EV's at that!
> Any website available that explains Griggs excess energy and
> what is happening to produce this excess energy?
> v/r Ken Carrigan
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