Re: Study finds Company's least "educated" filed most patents!

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 4 Feb 2000 06:46:52 -0800 (PST)

Hi DM et al!

Thanks for sharing the great story with the URL, quite
a proof of principle with the egg and torch
demonstration, especially because the layer of paint
was so thin.

I suspect many companies and investors reject new,
radical ideas or claims outright because they fly in
the face of reason and orthodox 'laws', or if they
can't capitalize and control them completely they will
also ignore them.

What is interesting is that a new discovery that is so
ground breaking and so sweeping, must spread like
wildfire and FORCES them to be dragged kicking and
screaming into either using the discovery or
attempting to get in on it after so many others have a
headstart because they recognized the importance and
usefulness of the discovery.

I find it interesting that so many subscribe to this
list but don't really participate in any kind of
discussion or proffer new ideas, links or discussion.

It is the nature of discussion lists for this to
happen so not unexpected. And the number of people
who read comments posted here as displayed publicly in
the archives, yet who are not subscribers, is shown by
the eScriber ranking system for 'hits' compared to the
other lists so I suspect probably thousands read the

I suspect that some hope EVENTUALLY to see some
revelation or discovery they can capitalize though
MOST just want to be kept abreast of interesting or
useful material.

This months Volume 5, Issue 29 issue of Infinite
Energy has a couple of great articles on
thermodynamics, the Carnot cycle, the Amin cycle and
entropy which disputes formal heat engines.

One article says the Carnot cycle is in error because;

1) no combination of processes exist which can
convert heat into work more efficiently as a total
cycle than the Carnot cycle,

2) the work of an engine must be proportional to
absolute temperature differences because of the KTG

3) the applicability of the KTG (kinetic theory of
gases) where an engine with a process whcih does not
conform to the KTG is not bound by Carnot's theorem
because potential engine processes exist which do not
conform to the KTG.

It gets back to Hal Fox's great comments about the
skeptics claiming we are trying to 'get something from

Hal makes it quite clear that free energy proponents
aren't trying to do that or claiming to do that,

rather we are trying to discover new and novel ways of
TRANSLATING or CONVERTING ambient energy, whether it
be in the form of heat, wind, light, zpe, aether,

to OTHER FORMS that can be more easily used to produce
work, as mechanical force, electrical energy, light or

I always liked the way he expressed it since we are
literally swamped in a sea of energy of many forms.

The idea that people could invent something totally
new and 'impossible' because they didn't know
better...<g>...or didn't know they could not, that it
was against the 'law' I find both hilarious and

--- wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Came across this great alternative science web site
> from (England?).


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