Re: Neutron Detectors

Joseph Hiddink ( )
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 12:01:24 -0800 (PST)

A neutron detector is simple to build.
You should have access to an electronic counter, like
the Radio Shack RMX Digital counter.
The probe is simplicity itself.
A piece of stainless steel wire.
Six inches should do it. Fold it over, so you have a
Varnish it, and let it dry.You can twist it after
If you cannot get stainless steel wire, get a piece of
piano string from a piano tuner. The heavier the
Since this loop is low impedance, you get a small
audio transformer, like the ones used in old radios.
Solder a wire, with shielding, to the loop.
Solder between the wire and the hot end of the loop a
10 k ohm resistor. This will kill radiotransmitters
from interfering.
Hook the secondary of the audio transformer to the
loop. Primary of the transformer with shielded lead
and suitable plug to the input of your counter. If
your counter has enough pre-amplification, it should
work. Else build a small transistor pre-amplifier
before you hook it up to the counter.
If you still have an old watch, that has these
fluorescent dials, you should be able to get a
If you cannot get a counter, just use lots of
amplification and get the reading of your amplifier
out of a speaker, or you can use a voltmeter.
Let me know how thee fares.
Joe Hiddink

--- Bill Perry <> wrote:
> Hi, all!
> Does anyone on the list know how to build a
> simple homemade Neutron Detector without much
> expense? I want to try some fusion experiments with
> a Sonolumnescence chamber, and need a way to detect
> excess neutron production. And also, does anyone
> have Gene Mallove's current email address or other
> contact info?
> Thanks.
> BillP
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