Neutron Detectors

Bill Perry ( (no email) )
Mon, 24 Jan 2000 16:55:05 -0800

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Hi, all!
Does anyone on the list know how to build a simple homemade Neutron =
Detector without much expense? I want to try some fusion experiments =
with a Sonolumnescence chamber, and need a way to detect excess neutron =
production. And also, does anyone have Gene Mallove's current email =
address or other contact info?

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Hi, all!
    Does anyone on the list know how =to build a=20simple homemade Neutron Detector without much expense? I want to try =some fusion=20experiments with a Sonolumnescence chamber, and need a way to detect =excess=20neutron production. And also, does anyone have Gene Mallove's current =email=20address or other contact info?
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