Re: Aural alteration of consciousness

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 08:34:09 +1300

At 11:03 24/01/2000 -0500, you wrote:
Hi all

I just had to say a few words on this. I was told 50 years ago by an
eminent jewish theologan in my home country that the hebrew language and
alphabet in their original form is akin to the most ancient language ever
used in the retainment of ancient technical knowledge.I would also like to
state here that if you want people of any race to remember anything for
ever!! Make it a religion!! and there is a good chance that there will
develop an orthodoxy jealously guarding the ancient knowledge. Our early
extra terrestial instructors knew how to manipulate the human mind.!!
The original hebrew bible text unadulterated by subsequent political
religious movements, still contains the coded knowledge which some scholars
are slowly deciphering. Archeologists the world over are searching for
possible documents left by the early civilisations supported by their
governments because it seems to be easier to obtain the arcane knowledge
that way than actually using today's scientific establishments which up
till a few years ago pohood everything millions of NON scientists know
I stumbled upon a web site debunking alternative health research, read most
of it to find that the likes of Hulda Clark who dare to publish UNORTHODOX
research are persecuted when the establishment KNOWS FULL WELL that the
human body will repair anything but that which has been cut out or cut off.
I note that in this country some 30000 people are waiting to get things cut
out or cut off instead of putting their mind to methods that give the body
the wherewithall to repair namely sane living!!
Everything in this world reacts to sound of some description and just
The bible code says: Listen and you will find the secret code!!
Victor schauberger Listened etc. etc.
As usual I talk too much probably because I hardly ever meet anyone with an
expanded mind.

Greetings to you all and hope to have something to report soon of benefit.


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