Oops sorry Jerry- candidiasis & Vril

TOM MCCOY ( (no email) )
Fri, 21 Jan 2000 20:04:33 -0600

Sorry Jerry,
I didn't check out the URL but thought that it was a interesting medical =
thing on how your insides can make you ill. I know that the antibotics =
that people take kills the bacteria and how yogurt will bring it back. I =
enjoy my yogurt but when I see how some ones bacteria has eaten them up =
and their not on AIDS drugs and such I thought it would be of interest.

So on to another thing. So whats your thought on Vril. Do you think it =
could be from the interaction of magnetic energies or something else?


>>> Jerry Wayne Decker <jwdatwork@yahoo.com> 01/21 7:00 PM >>>
Hi Tom!

I know you meant well, but here you should post the
URL to where the site is located, then included a
brief cut and paste abstract and/or comments, rather
than cramming the whole document into 360 mailboxes.

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