Re: time reversal wave

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 20 Jan 2000 00:12:58 -0600

Hi DRA et al!

Rick Andersen sent in the following email that he wanted to
share with the list;

Subject: PopTronix Phase Conjugation article
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 22:38:50 (null)
From: "Rick Andersen" <>
Organization: (null)

Hi Jerry, long time no speak!

Although I am not in the discussion group on your page, I
drop in from time to time to see what's up. The Poptronix
article was very exciting for me--- finally PC hits the

I just wanted to comment to the person who was wondering why
they mixed a frequency "f" with a doubled-freq "2f" in order
to generate a PC wave.

My answer is that the PC wave is the DIFFERENCE or BEAT
frequency, or LOWER SIDEBAND in a heterodyne mixing process
between f and 2f. I pointed this out in my file AM.HTM but
nobody seems to get the point.

The difference is that these reflections of light are
"spatial" rather than "sequential in time" like sound waves
or radio waves are. There's a similarity here to the "real"
vs. "virtual" images that optics people talk about.

Also, if you're interested, check out my article
THE7SCLR.HTM at my page, where I
discuss the 7 different kinds of "scalar" waves that seem to
be out there in the Alt-Sci community.

Also, GRAHAM.HTM which was sent to me by a person who seems
to have successfully
explained why Bearden's longitudinal waves CAN EXHIBIT
POLARIZATION, which answers my 1993 critique
POLARIZATION.ASC on your site.

Just thought I'd put my 2 cents in on these points. Keep up
the good work,

Rick Andersen,

DRA wrote:
> In the premier issue of Poptronix (P.E. + E.N.), There is an
> interesting article claiming that a wave reflected off a phase
> conjugated mirror (PCM) effictivly generates a time reversal wave...
> now, how can a mirror vibrating, in phase, at 2x the source wave
> reverse time? does that imply that shifting the phase and/or frequincy
> could cause a time advancement wave? or better yet, a time stopping
> wave?
> It seems to me that time is ultimately a constant, and any precived
> shift is due to a change in the surounding frequencies. i.e. an
> airplane traveling faster than ... is being bombarded with
> particles/waves that, and due to the dopler (sp?) effect, causes an
> increase in the molecular resonance of the airplane and its contents;
> including say.. a cesium clock tht would appear to have advanced in time
> compared to one that was on the ground.
> can anyone recomend a detector circut capible of generating a phase
> locked loop with the earth's 7.xHz or 11.xHz resonance that i could send
> through a frequincy doubler, amplify it, and finally pass it through a
> PCM type transducer? I guess the hard part would be impedance matching
> the system.
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--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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