Claims of Curing and Diagnosing ala RIFE

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 21:26:57 -0600

Hi Folks!

While checking out this alternative health website at;

this most intriguing page about golfer Jack Nicklaus being
'cured' with a version of a Rife machine that it is claimed,
could not only diagnose but cure;

According to and Dr. Rosenberg, Rife’s wondrous machine can
diagnose as well as
cure. "You send the signal in (in the form of an electrical
frequency), and if it holds steady, everything is fine,"
Rosenberg says. "If (the frequency) jumps around, something
is wrong. Something is blocking the signal...I’ve seen it
match the diagnoses people had gotten from their doctors."

According to *, the reason people aren’t fried like a
catfish while hooked up to the machine is that the
electricity is converted, from 110 volts AC and six amps to
220 volts DC with no amps, which removes the current before
it reaches the water in the containers - and the client’s
feet - leaving only the vibratory energy of the frequency.

The machine is safe, said, because "all we’re doing is
duplicating the same
electricity that’s in the body."

According to *, the human body has 122 frequencies, each
corresponding to a
specific body part.

Wayne also uses his machine on a people with gout, chronic
fatigue syndrome and
circulation problems, as well as aching hips, backs, legs,
arms. Name an ailment - he has probably turned his machine
on it.
That is interesting about resistance or illness causing the
frequency to 'jump around', when the frequency is correct,
it becomes stable.

Does this indicate this machine uses the body as PART OF THE

Much like a lamp ballast in an oscillator? Where the lamp
burns brightest when the oscillator is optimally tuned to
allow maximum current flow? So too would the body as part
of the circuit, become LEAST resistive to current flow at a
preferred frequency, i.e. resonance?

I just love this stuff!!! Rick S. here in Dallas was
injecting frequencies into paramecium on a glass slide under
a microscope. These paramecium normally swim all over the
place....when the frequency was in resonant with the
critters, they would stop in their tracks and quiver...if
you increased the amplitude of that frequency, like the
exploding wineglass in the Memorex commercial, the
paramecium would swell, almost like they were flattening or
perhaps cringing (like crenation in blood cells when in the
presence of noxious materials), until the outer lipid
membrane ruptured and all their insides spill out.

Still lots of interesting possibilities for RIFE and
resonance type technologies that could help diagnose and
heal the body. This is almost radionic, where the body
BECOMES part of the circuit.

With the RIFE machines I've seen and experimented with, you
are NOT PART of the oscillator, it simply injects a
frequency into your body between two electrodes, HOPING that
frequency was doing some good. In many cases I suspect it
is just beneficial to have electrical impulses coursing
through the body, at ANY frequency.

This interesting idea of the body being PART OF THE
OSCILLATOR just intrigues me no end....

It reminds me of an older engineer I used to work with named
DOC. I asked him how he would measure the resonant
frequency of a mass and he suggested using a dual trace

One of the scope probes would be connected to transducers
(speakers) coupled to the mass to be tested, the other scope
probe would be connected to another pickup transducer on the
opposide side of the test mass.

He suggested monitoring the amplitude of the input frequency
compared against the amplitude of the output frequency after
it passed through the mass.

When the output frequency amplitude reached a maximum, that
would be the resonant frequency of the mass (minus of course
the slight changes from being coupled to the transducers.

That means you could ramp through the frequencies being
injected into the body and monitoring the output until you
achieved maximum amplitude.

One thing to note....each organ is supposed to have its own
frequency and they all IDEALLY HARMONIZE in a healthy body
for a mass chord (generally 3 notes) or one single mass
frequency. So you could hit on all kinds of frequencies.

There must be a RANGE that could be SWEPT to add energy to
each organ and the entire body as a whole, so that in an
idealized machine, you'd stand on two metal plates and
simply let it sweep through and 'charge' everything in your

Not spook science because it uses electronics and
QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENTS hopefully showing biological and
overall health improvements.

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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