RE: Vibration & micro-currents for Osteoporosis & healing

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Sun, 16 Jan 2000 10:28:31 -0500

Jer, et al,

Just has to throw my two cents in. This is nothing new if one
read the book two books by Dr. Robert O Becker (No Bob Beck!),
who pioneered this whole effort! He was the one who found out
about how to heal bones that NEVER seemed to heal. Get the
book "The Body Electric" and I tell you - you will NOT regret
it. It is one of my ultimate favorites when it comes to basic
basic research. He starts by measuring and experimenting on
Newts, who can regrow limbs when cut off! Then there are also
keys in this book suggesting ONLY microcurrent can produce
what is called 'de-differentiation' where specialized cells
form at a site (positive potential) and days..
negative current are seen where these dedifferentialed cells
become specialized again, and regrow tissue and cells which
where damaged. So, current like 10uA (Not mA) through 100uA
maximum will produce this cell change. Read his book and you
will be amazed!

Now vibration of the bones will produce these micro current
and start this dedifferentialion of cells, but and BUT you
have to allow the positive potential to generate the negative
some time later. Some cool stuff can be derived designed
around Mr Beckers work, and machines like TENs where just one
of them. Bone excellerated healing in Animals like hourses
are also an example.. where it was not thought of.. by the AMA
for use on humans back then.

Just one more note, from his book. He also wanted to know what
this electric current would due to cancer cells. What he found
out was not good. Then TENs units acually accellerated the
cancer growth (by as much as 3X). He did notice, however that
the silver electrodes he was using, the caner in that area
shrank, or was killed, but he suspected that it was the 'silver'
as in colloidal silver? that produced the affect.

v/r Ken Carrigan

PS.. I have done much research on EMFs due to my job and background.
But have not seen anything substanial to report conclusive evidance
of anything abnormal or beneficial.

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