Vibration & micro-currents for Osteoporosis & healing

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 14 Jan 2000 12:22:58 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

For sure, if you are interested in electronic healing,

read this excellent article which deals among other
things with increasing bone mass by using a vibrating
platform to induce micro currents in the bones, there
are other benefits also;

Resembling an upright bathroom scale with handlebars,
the vibrating machine sent a gentle buzzing through
every bone in her body.

Most mornings, Andreason read the newspaper or
blow-dried her hair while putting in 10 minutes on the
device. Before bedtime, she'd step on the platform for
a second 10-minute buzz.

The vibrating platform appears to work by triggering
bones to generate tiny electric fields, explains
McLeod of the State University of New York at Stony
Brook, who directed the sheep experiments. These tiny
currents may turn on genes that affect bone remodeling
and growth.

All build on decades of work by physicists and
surgeons. (yeah, right, what a hoot, jailing and
running out of town anyone who remotely suggests
energetic therapies....decades of that is more the

The first inkling of potential benefits from EMFs
emerged during the 1950s, McLeod notes. That's when a
series of experiments showed that bone is
piezoelectric, meaning that bending or deforming its
crystal structure creates local electric currents.
Physiologists quickly linked these currents to bone
growth in studies that seemed to explain why exercise
strengthens bones and immobilization weakens them.
This link suggested that electric currents could be
applied as therapy.

The researchers' explanation was that the small
current delivered by the battery to the patient's
ankle—which they measured at 10 microamps—spurred
specialized cells to grow new bone.

More recent techniques enable fields to be delivered
without electrodes touching the body. This is the most
important therapeutic advance in recent years,
suggests Arthur A. Pilla. A biophysicist at the Mount
Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, he explains
that the newer devices transfer a field's energy into
the body from wire coiled around, but not touching,
the injured area.

For EMFs to penetrate the body, the coils must carry a
pulsing electric current, he explains—not the simpler
direct currents associated with electrode-generated
fields. In designing the waveform for these
oscillating fields—their shape, amplitude, and
frequency—"we were guided by measurements people were
making of natural, mechanically induced voltages in
bone," Pilla recalls. The waveforms of these
therapeutic EMFs differ dramatically from those
generated by power lines and indoor wiring.

EMF therapy also helps people with established joint
disease, Aaron says. This month, he's completing a
clinical trial of EMF therapy for men and women with
advanced osteoarthritis in their knees.

Two previous studies had found that EMFs reduce pain
and swelling. EMFs also have that effect in his new
trial—presumably, he says, "by changing the chemistry
of the joint." Studies by his team and others indicate
that these fields can increase a joint's production of
natural anti-inflammatory agents, such as transforming
growth factor-beta.

Not surprisingly, Aaron notes, medical supply
companies are now developing products, such as a glove
with coils, to deliver EMFs to arthritis-savaged

Though the mechanism remains elusive, Pilla says, the
treatment seems to affect swelling, which can cause
pain. If this proves true, he says, EMFs might benefit
people with carpal tunnel syndrome, where swelling in
the wrist pinches nerves going to the fingers.


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