re: nazi ufo's

Joseph Hiddink ( )
Fri, 7 Jan 2000 22:15:55 -0800 (PST)

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I can assert, that the Germans never had their Flying Saucer operational. It never came off the ground. First they tried from 1933 to 1937 the Vandegraaff Generator to get levitation (Searle used the same system later using a lightweight platform) because it weighed two tons. The they switched to magnetics. And by 1941 the machine was 120 pounds lighter. Then Hitler scrapped the idea and went in with rocket development. This was revealed to me by one of the Witnesses, required to sign my patent application. He had worked on Hitler's Flying Disk from 1937 to 1941.
"My God, you found it...why did I not think about that before....?"
The end result of Hitler's Flying Saucer is the Magnetic levitation train. There were many UFO's seen during the war by Allied pilots, but they never attacked. The "inhabitants" of these craft were very much attracted by the sign of the Swastika, that was seen all over Germany. But the Nazis found never out, what the Swastika, the "company logo" that was seen on these Flying Disks from old times, really was.
A prediction said, that whoever would be able to use the Swastika, would be able to rule the world.
In the first world war the Americans used the Swastika, the English used it and the Germans used it. Everybody wanted to rule the world.

--- DRA <> wrote:
> i'm definately NO expert on this.... but if your
> interested, i recomend
> looking at or better yet
> listening to an
> extremly interesting talk radio show under the
> transmission link at
> on sunday nights
> 7-10pm PST... for
> years this guy has diligently discussed the possible
> implications of
> nazi ufo's, their antartic base, the thousand year
> war, their financail
> support, and their possible links to the AMA,
> military, ang US
> government. This is some really crazy stuff.
> has anyone ever heard that the roswell incident was
> really a nazi
> reconnosanse mission using japanese pilots (japanese
> people tipically
> weigh less than germans), that went wrong?
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I can assert, that the Germans never had their Flying Saucer operational. It never came off the ground. First they tried from 1933 to 1937 the Vandegraaff Generator to get levitation (Searle used the same system later using a lightweight platform) because it weighed two tons. The they switched to magnetics. And by 1941 the machine was 120 pounds lighter. Then Hitler scrapped the idea and went in with rocket development. This was revealed to me by one of the Witnesses, required to sign my patent application. He had worked on Hitler's Flying Disk from 1937 to 1941. <BR>"My God, you found it...why did I not think about that before....?" <BR>The end result of Hitler's Flying Saucer is the Magnetic levitation train. There were many UFO's seen during the war by Allied pilots, but they never attacked. The "inhabitants" of these craft were very much attracted by the sign of the Swastika, that was seen all over Germany. But the Nazis found never out, what the Swastika, the "company logo" that
was seen on these Flying Disks from old times, really was. <BR>A prediction said, that whoever would be able to use the Swastika, would be able to rule the world. <BR>In the first world war the Americans used the Swastika, the English used it and the Germans used it. Everybody wanted to rule the world. <BR><BR>--- DRA &lt;; wrote: <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; i'm definately NO expert on this.... but if your <BR>&gt; interested, i recomend <BR>&gt; looking at or better yet <BR>&gt; listening to an <BR>&gt; extremly interesting talk radio show under the <BR>&gt; transmission link at <BR>&gt; on sunday nights <BR>&gt; 7-10pm PST... for <BR>&gt; years this guy has diligently discussed the possible <BR>&gt; implications of <BR>&gt; nazi ufo's, their antartic base, the thousand year
eally crazy stuff. <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; has anyone ever heard that the roswell incident was <BR>&gt; really a nazi <BR>&gt; reconnosanse mission using japanese pilots (japanese <BR>&gt; people tipically <BR>&gt; weigh less than germans), that went wrong? <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; ------------------------------------------------------------- <BR>&gt; To leave this list, email &lt;; <BR>&gt; with the body text: leave Interact <BR>&gt; list archives and on line subscription forms are <BR>&gt; at <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; ------------------------------------------------------------- <BR>&gt; <BR><BR>
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