Re: Maxwellian Thoughts

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 04 Jan 2000 21:53:38 -0600

Hi Brian et al!

I am unclear on what you are saying.

Brian Davies wrote:
> The basic idea is a simple one... I was looking for a way to allow
> electrical energy flow in such a manner as to allow magnetic harmony in a
> coil.. that is.. every adjacent winding would re-enforce the flow in its
> abutting conductor.
> There is only one geometric form which allows this.. an it is based upon a
> conductor of equilateral triangular cross-section.

I think diagrams of the magnetic flow you are describing
would greatly assist in communicating your idea, so if you
have something drawn up or could describe it better, I can
post it for everyone to check out.

You seem to indicate a triangular conductor which I guess
has three conductors in one? I take that as referring to
the 90 degree current to voltage angle as being reinforcing

I'm not sure how that works based on your explanation and
would like to have a clear understanding of it.

With a bifilar, the magnetic is supposed to cancel at the
middle leaving only the voltage. Normally done using
bifilar, mobius or caduceus coils, much like Hoopers mobius
coil which he claimed generated a 'motional', pure electric
field which went through all mass without any resistance or
impedance since it was neither inductive or capacitive.

It's also interesting because the inert gas tube picture
mentioned earlier shows how the beam emanates from the
center of a tube, kind of like that retroreflection
business....where the wave reflects off the end to BUCK in
the center. This BUCKING phenomenon is what Pearson calls
annihilation resulting in a claimed 18% additional energy
produced above and beyond what was annihilated.

Hmmm, have to think about this one but first need some
additional details or images to explain it better. I can
see the cancellation of the magnetic component but not the
reinforcing unless there is some glancing angle that
produces the mythical 'negative resistance.' I don't think
there is sufficient information to judge the claim yet but
Brian, if you can provide it, I'm sure some of us would be
interested. Thanks.

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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