Maxwellian Thoughts

Brian Davies ( (no email) )
Wed, 5 Jan 2000 02:23:39 -0000

Hi all,

I thought I'd add basic details of another idea I had a while back.. if
anyone wants to Patent it.. tough luck since I've now made it public domain
; )

On the plus-side it may offer a way of producing overunity or even just
miniaturising existing equipment.

The basic idea is a simple one... I was looking for a way to allow
electrical energy flow in such a manner as to allow magnetic harmony in a
coil.. that is.. every adjacent winding would re-enforce the flow in its
abutting conductor.

There is only one geometric form which allows this.. an it is based upon a
conductor of equilateral triangular cross-section.

I reasoned that .. if you plot the magnetic fields of a conventionally wound
coil you will see that each neighbouring winding produces a magnetic field
which tends to oppose that of those surrounding it..
and if you you plot the same for a standard bifilar coil you will notice
that half of the magnetic fields are in opposition whereas the other half
are re-enforcing..(this has little/no impedence)

(Oh yeah.. this idea allows for transformers too.. and with exceptionally
high frequency/small size too.. due to the lack of impedence...just

If you wind a bifilar coil out of the equilateral cross-section as above
then all forces act in unison and there should be a NEGATIVE magnetic
impedence to the windings of the coil.. this implies signal self
amplification etc....... or if wound as a standard coil then the complete
contradiction of neghbouring windings should produce a much larger back emf
compared to a winding of a standard coil of the same size..

You will have to get the wire custom made if you want to experiment with it
(I did.. .. but due to house moving and other factors/projects I have not
yet done much in the way of experimentation with the stuff.. )

If anyone wants diagrams etc then I will dig them out and e-mail them.

I have just re-read the above stuff and it sounds kinda abstract.. please
take it upon yourself to draw the bifilar fields surrounding the equilateral
x-section wire for yourself as above and it will become clear.



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