Re: MagnoGrav Motor - a possible "perpetual motion" device?

SWB ( )
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 03:50:57 -0500


SO MANY of these topics, from my perspective are merging together, so
quickly, from different angles, my head is spinning!

I want to share what all is going through my mind; but, some of these
connections are not so obvious at first. I'll try to be concise; but, I
have been told on many occasions, that I am the type of person who: when
you ask me what time it is; instead, I tell you "how to make a watch"!
So, if I start to ramble a bit, just let me know, and I'll hold back.

First, thinking back on that 'thing' about the speed of light possibly
being six to ten times faster than we ever imagined. While some folks on
this list did an admirable job of pointing out the possible flaws in the
testing methods sited; the 'very possibility', that there is still merit
to the premise is EXTREMELY intriguing!

"IF" it is true; then that makes for some very important inescapable
conclusions, about both the nature of light, and the 'aether' itself !!!

Could it be, that the 'aether' is an impediment to the the propagation
of light ?!?!

Think about it! If the 'aether' is more 'viscous' (for the sake of a
better analogy) in the vicinity of a 'mass'; then that speaks volumes
about why light is slowed (and defracted), when passing through the
gravity induced 'inversion layer' surrounding matter. So, if the
'aether' actually slows the velocity of light around masses, then is the
'aether' stretched SO 'thin' in deep space, that where there is no
significant mass, the light traversing the 'thin aether' has been racing
towards us, at a speeds we cannot even comprehend?

There is also the fact, that the elastic nature of 'perceived time'
arises from the speed of a given object. So, what does that say about
what we have really been observing, when we look at the heavens? It
tells me, that light from those stars, would have only traveled a
FRACTION of the time previously thought! Therefore, the universe could
conceivably be BILLIONS of years younger, than what the egghead
astrophysicist say it is! I'm sure that 'that' doesn't make some of you
very happy out there, for a multitude of reasons.

Back to the nature of the 'aether'. SO, what IS it about the 'aether',
which slows light down? Is there an 'electromagnetic' property to
gravity? That seems obvious; but, why can we NOT observe. detect, nor
measure the 'mechanics' involved in 'HOW' gravity actually impedes
light? If you could point a 'magnetometer' at "gravity", you would get
NO reading. If you move a wire through "gravity" no electrical flow is
induced. So, what mechanism in the 'aether' induces a physical effect on
'light', as it passes through a gravitational field / 'thick aether'?

I think it must be, that the nature of the 'aether' is analogous to
Aluminum. (Bear with me now.) Aluminum, is not capable of being
'permanently magnetized'; but, you can induce a current in it, and it
will generate a magnetic field of it's own. That magnetic field in turn
can 'effect' a current in other surrounding objects. Have you ever seen
the science demonstration, where a cylindrical magnet is placed
longitudinally on a slanted (nearly vertical), piece of sheet aluminum?
It progresses very slowly, instead of rolling right down, as one might
expect. As it moves, the magnet induces a current in the surrounding
aluminum, turning it into an electro- magnet; but, the field strength is
not as strong as the force of gravity, so the magnet continues to move
down the sheet metal very slowly. This happens because the magnet is
fighting with the 'like' poles of the electromagnetic properties,
induced by it's own movement in the vicinity of the 'mass'/'thick
eather'/'gravity' of the aluminum; thereby, impeding it's own progress
by virtue of it's very own mass, velocity, and gravitational

It is this very property of aluminum, in which I find a similarities to
what is causing the impediment, that the 'aether' poses, to the
propagation of light. But, 'HOW' does it do it? If we knew that, then we
would know 'WHAT' we were dealing with, and we just don't! But, I do
believe it to be 'knowable'! If it isn't, then we are playing with fire
in more ways than one!

(Once, some guy actually tried to tell me, that 'time itself' "Does not
exist"! Now, I hear, that some idiot physicists are postulating: That
neither 'time', nor 'space' exist! Oh please! GIVE ME A BREAK! This is a
topic, (of which I won't "make a watch"); but, should the need ever
arise here, to set the record straight; I think I am up to the task!)

So, what other hallowed branches of physics would be desecrated, if the
ramifications of this particular 'fact' is indeed, really a foundational
'TRUTH', here-to-fore ignored, or just overlooked?

A few more questions must be asked at this point:

Is gravity equally elastic, for the same reasons, that the 'speed of
light' and 'time' are?

Is gravity also a slave to the viscosity of the 'aether'? OR - Is the
viscosity of the 'aether' a result of it's proximity to the
gravitational force of a mass?

Does gravity arise from the the 'aether'; or does the 'aether' arise
from gravity? Or, can the case be made, that they are really

Is it possible for us to manipulate either the 'aether', or gravity?

If so, then 'HOW' do we go about manipulating it; and, how much energy
does 'THAT' take; and, how much 'EXCESS' energy can be extracted from
the process?

And, 'IF' you do succeed in manipulating it, what happens to the
'perceived time' of objects or light, which pass through that
'manipulated aether'?

What really is the 'Holy Grail' of overunity? And, when we find it, how
do we actually go about 'making hay' with it?

Given, the 'FACT' (if indeed, 'IT' is a "FACT'), that the "aether' is an
impediment to the propagation of 'ENERGY' in it's most vigorous forms; I
must restate my belief, that extracting energy, directly from (what most
of you are calling) the 'aether' is just NOT possible !!!

In the Genre' of Tesla - Gleaning free energy from the static electrical
energy in our 'physical atmosphere' is one thing. To purport that: we
live in a "sea of energy" waiting to be tapped, which emanates from the
realm of an unknown, and physically undeterminably dimension" - is a
leap of faith I am not willing to take. No matter how I ponder that
possibility, the more it smells like witchcraft; and,"Homey don't play

That is NOT to say: that I DON'T believe 'overunity' is possible.
Manipulating the 'aether' for it's effects; and then using those effects
to boost highly efficient semi conventional systems, to produce
overunity is another matter entirely! That may INDEED be possible!

The experiments with the gyroscopic effects, on the perceived weight of
a spinning mass, (mentioned a while back), might hold a key here. That
approach seems promising to me. But still, manipulating the 'aether'
itself, effectively and productively, will require dissecting it into
quantifiable, and manipulatable forces (not to mention explainable ones

I just think, that the vast majority of you out there are looking down a
'dry well'; IF, some sort of 'flow', directly from the 'aether' itself
is where you expect to find overunity !!!

Amen (for now anyway),

Stephen Brummitt

___________________________________________________________________________________ wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have recently been intrigued by an idea to harness the "free energy" of
> gravity, by using the "free energy" of permanent magnets, in some novel ways.
> I don't know yet, if they will actually work, but so far experiments are
> promising.
> This is not yet related to my PRIMARY ENERGY site, except in that when I get
> it to work, it will be in support of the idea that there is a "CONSENSUS
> REALITY" of collective belief, that governs what we accept, and therefore
> will explore/use. In other words, If I can make a simple little "motor" that
> works on gravity, and magnets, and is self running, and generates a net power
> output, however small, that this may help to alter the "consensus reality".
> If people can see and touch something which demonstrates "free energy" or
> "perpetual motion", then it will be much easier to move into the "New
> Physics" age! (aside from the fact that perpetual motion already exists in
> the "spin" of atoms/sub atomic particles, etc.)
> Even though the first prototype "MagnoGrav Mark I" motor does not yet work, I
> wanted to share the idea. Perhaps someone out there might get a spark of
> insight on how to improve/realize it. And the web page I posted today,
> outlines the kind of detail I will be using for the ongoing
> research/experiments on my PRIMARY ENERGY site, once I get caught up with the
> historical info.
> For MagnoGrav motor see:
> For the PRIMARY ENERGY site see other messages posted by me.
> Thanks, and best wishes to all.
> DMBoss1021
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