Re: Rejuvenating tissue the way it was intended
Fri, 24 Dec 1999 15:11:11 EST

Hi Folks,

I've been reading the posts about this topic with great interest. The
Primary Energy "Beams", which are outlined on my website, and elsewhere, also
have remarkable regenerative, healing and even some very dramatic reports of
complete re growth of lost tissue!

As I have indicated, my interest with this Primary Energy, is more along the
Physics lines, and therefore I have not given much of the biological or
"healing" results that many have had worldwide.

I am aware of one case where an elderly gentleman, was diagnosed with a very
degenerated hip joint, and that required surgery, within a year to rebuild or
replace it. He used a particular mixture of gases in a "beam" generator,
that made a weaker, diffused "beam" that could be slept in for 8 hour per
day. He did this for a period of a few months, and went back to the doctors
the doctors)

There are many accounts such as this, as well as my own verification of the
real effects on my body, with exposure to this energy - regeneration of
damaged tissue proceeds at up to double the rate over normal; when using this
energy to affect healing of damaged tiisue - almost no scar tissue remains;
disease agents can be destroyed (the cold, or flu); headaches can be relieved
very quickly; and in one case using a more advanced configuration of multiple
beams in a very specific geometry, combined with some very intense
concentration/visualization - the apparent regeneration of an old lower
leg/ankle bone crushing wound sustained in a horse riding accident. (this one
is not verified by x-rays, but the woman had walked with a crooked limp all
her life since the accident, and considerable pain, and after this very
powerful "treatment" - there was no limp, no pain, and the lower leg
certainly appeared to be straighter)

The original source for this material - M. B. Cooke, also indicated in one of
his books that it was possible to grow a third set of teeth, and gave a
specific mixture for this task. (by the way this mixture has some of the
best "healing" qualities from my admittedly non scientific or shall I say
more anecdotal observations)

Whenever I expose my self to this energy, (which is all around us - you just
concentrate it with a "beam") I always feel invigorated, with more energy,
and things like your hair and fingernails appear to grow much faster. (these
are just a few of the examples of effects I have noticed)

An application I am using at this time is with my very old cat, who seems to
have developed some severe arthritis in his hips. (according to the
Vet/x-rays) He wobbles when he walks, and can't jump or navigate stairs very
well anymore.

So I decided to see if a periodic exposure would help - On the first
exposure, (about 20 minutes), he got up and no wobble visible in his walk,
and he actually ran up and down the stairs later that day, and also jumped up
to some of his previous favorite perches. This improvement lasts for a week
or more, and so I expose him about once a week.

See my site at

Wishing all the very best at this holiday season!


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