Aerial / Magnet Antenna for electricity?

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 24 Dec 1999 07:39:05 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

I was perusing some of the public comments on other
discussion lists at escribe and note the following
experiment from the FreeNRG list with what could be
something useful.

It was posted Thu, 23 Dec 1999 08:23:29 so it will be
interesting to see who comes running out of the
woodwork claiming they had long ago discovered it and
perhaps try to capitalize..<g>..;

This just happened in my workshop [date 960.183] :

I attached an earth ground to a bridge rectifier
the other input to BillB's energy antenna, as I was
trying to replicate his ideas on regenerative power

I was receiving very little power in this manner, so I
decided to try a few variations.

I decided I needed more metal mass in the antenna, so
I sought out one of my old samples of aluminium plate.
It is a small piece (10 cm square, 5mm thick) of an
alloy made for marine boats (Cd/AL, If memory

Clip leads from the bridge couldn't fasten onto the
plate (too thick), so I cheated. I got a pair of
magnets (Neodymium, I think - they appear to be from
dead disk drive - picked them up in Singapore) and
placed one each side of the plate and hooked the clip
lead to one magnet.

I was pulling enough power to light a green LED (1.5v
fwd drop)

The clip leads are ferric, the magnets are chrome

Go figure.

This magnet is acting as an antenna, no capacitive or
inductive elements aside from the 4 m. of wire going
to ground.

My dinky little digital meter showed 7 volts (DC) out
of the bridge.

The amps section doesn't work very well, but the LED
handles about 10 mA.

Although it didn't hit it's peak, it appeared to be
about 1 mA worth.

I was preparing to slap a resistor on and calc the
current, because my scope was inoperative when wife
comes in and says shut it down for the night, so I
can't do more than speculate what I just saw...

bridge rectifier
decent earth ground (we might be able to cheat here, I

replicate, please

I repeatedly disassembled this and put it back
together, so I know it is not just some funky
loose(/tight) connection.

I live in Cirebon, Indonesia - this is a small city
and there are no massive EM broadcast radiations, nor
is there much electrical grid here (although a lot of
the current probably makes a return through the soil
as local wiring installations are historically

My theory is that the magnet is, as an antenna,
capturing free ions that a normal antenna couldn't

In other words, if you want free energy from the sky,
just build an array of magnets run to ground through
rectifiers (or possibly transformers ... next test)

Paul Anderson


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