About the Orffyreus machine

Sean Bogaard ( (no email) )
Fri, 24 Dec 1999 02:40:29 -0800

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Hi Jerry, Group,

I was looking at the drawing and was wondering, since machinery was =
largely made from
iron in those days could an energy vortex be created by the flux line =
cutting action of
a spinning iron disc, its ferromagnetic properties being what they are?

Could this validate his claims and explain why a modern replication of =
this machine might
not perform in 'perpetuity' but maybe a KE storage device, if it was =
made out of steel, wood
or plastic?



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Hi Jerry, Group,
I was looking at the drawing and was =wondering,=20since machinery was largely made from
iron in those days could an energy =vortex be=20created by the flux line cutting action of
a spinning iron disc, its =ferromagnetic=20properties being what they are?
Could this validate his claims and =explain why a=20modern replication of this machine might
not perform in 'perpetuity' but =maybe a KE=20storage device, if it was made out of steel, wood
or plastic?
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