Precision multi-purpose Locators

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 12:55:51 -0600

Hi Folks!

WHEN it comes to pass that we will have personal and
commercial flying machines eventually based on gravity
control, the method of locating and tracking each of these
is important. Radar as is currently used to track aircraft
only covers a given area from the transmitter, though they
do overlap in places.

With these satellite based locators, I understand the
current cost is about $11 per day per device (as used to
monitor law breakers who are punished by being required to
stay within the confines of their home and/or yard).

With this global locator system, all coordinated, it could
also be used to locate and notify everyone in a given area
of the proximity of other craft. My main question is how
fast is this information updated since these aircraft would
be in flight? Perhaps local radar will be on each aircraft
for immediate local area feedback, which would be greatly
asisted because you could get snapshots of what is around
using the satellite locator. I see such technology as more
useful pieces that will help make global use of many, many
aircraft easier to track and safer to fly.

Bob Paddock sent this fascinating URL with additional
information that raises questions about it;
Check out the claims for this locator system;

and from usenet sci.nanotech:

Found this story that I thought y'all might be interested
in. It is an identification device that can be implanted
into the skin of the user. Although the privacy implications
are frightening, I thought it was interesting for MNT
watchers because it derives its power directly from the
body, rather than from a battery.
Personally, any site that the very first thing is info about
their Stock makes me not trust their motives.
Implantable in Humans - With Applications in E-business to
Business Security, Health Care and Criminal Justice

PALM BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 15, 1999-- Inserted
just under the skin, with maintenance-free regenerating
power supply, miniature ``Digital Angelr'' has
multi-billion dollar market potential Applied Digital
Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADSX - news) today announced that it
has acquired the patent rights to a
miniature digital transceiver -- which it has named
``Digital Angelr'' -- that can be used for a variety of
purposes, such as providing a tamper-proof means of
identification for enhanced e-business security, locating
lost or missing individuals, tracking the location of
valuable property and monitoring the medical conditions of
at-risk patients.

Subject: Subdermal implant, powered by the host organism

In the agreement signed last week, ADS acquired the right to
develop this unique product itself for all of its
applications or to sublicense the development of specific
applications to other entities. A special technology group
has been formed within ADS to supervise the development of
the device.

The implantable transceiver sends and receives data and can
be continuously tracked by GPS (Global Positioning
Satellite) technology. The transceiver's power supply and
actuation system are unlike anything ever created.

When implanted within a body, the device is powered
electromechanically through the movement of muscles, and it
can be activated either by the ``wearer'' or by the
monitoring facility. A novel sensation feedback feature will
even allow the wearer to control the device to some degree.

The ``smart'' device is also small enough to be hidden
inconspicuously on or within valuable personal belongings
and priceless works of art.

Commenting on Digital Angel'sr many potential applications,
Richard J. Sullivan, Chairman and CEO of Applied Digital
Solutions, Inc. (ADS), said: ``We believe its potential for
improving individual and e-business security and enhancing
the quality of life for millions of people is virtually

Although we're in the early developmental phase, we expect
to come forward with applications in many different areas,
from medical monitoring to law enforcement.

However, in keeping with our core strengths in the
e-business to business arena, we plan to focus our initial
development efforts on the growing field of e-commerce
security and user ID verification.'' Sullivan added that the
multi-purpose technology would enable ADS to tap into a vast
global market, through licensing and other commercial
arrangements, with an estimated total value in excess of
$100 billion.

``The e-business to business security market alone could
reach as high as $10 to $12 billion in the near future,''
Sullivan added.

ADS is actively seeking joint venture partners to help
develop and market the unique technology. The company
expects to create a working prototype by the end of next

Applied Digital Solutions, Inc. is an e-business to business
solutions provider offering Internet, telecom, LAN and
software services to a wide variety of businesses throughout
North America. For more information, visit the Company's web
site at .

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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