
Slavek Krepelka ( )
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 20:12:35 -0500

Hi Slavek!

An interesting question as pressure of such magnitude,
RAPIDLY achieved as in the 3 drops instantly
dissociated to produce 29,000 psi SHOULD NORMALLY
produce a lot of heat...however, Keely reports the
production of some kind of vaporous plasma, in some
cases he even indicates it can be HANDLED...I don't in
the least understand how that can be,

I do. The orhodox "temperature-molecular motion" dependency is wrong.

but he indicates
there were various forms of it, one like TAFFY.

What is TAFFY?

And that is was COLD to the touch...geez, sounds like
ectoplasm from a seance..<g>..

IMO, not really. Just pressure really produced by molecular motion. When
one takes into consideration that the unnamed physicist in another
article in the same Keely folder more or less confirms the event, in an
open vial, with no pressure produced before the water went off, it seems
reasonable that the Keely produced presure was intermitent, with the
gauge being unable to show the intermitency due to high frequency. The
enclosed chamber of Keely experiment and the material of the chamber
under same frequency bombardment had to oscilate as well as the water.
When one takes into consideration the rubber plugs of the canon chamber,
we cannot expect such plugs to withstand mentioned pressure if it were
really a steady and expanding one, Than it had to be oscilating. The
question is, what it was that blasted out of the canon propeling the
slug, and what it was that blasted out of the open vial. I would not
relly speculate on that, but I would not get carried away by the term
aether force.

..that's just what we
need, that you have to be a medium to make this stuff that case, we might as well forget it unless
we can induce a brainwave signature that will EVOKE
such abilities at will....though I'd rather NOT have
to go into a trance just to power my house or run my
electric car...<g>...

I would not think so. Cloudbuster works without human produced divine
powers. ORMEs behave as they behave without divine power. Then it must
be all physics, of which we are part. It is just that some people can
coherently (or better said harmonicaly) produce this thing, which Reich
called orgone and which, if produced in correct frequencies and handled
by correct gismos in correct manner should do what ever in conjunction
with magnetism and gravitation. I would say that it can be handled by
anyone, once the technology is developed as physics, rather than

Regards Slavek.

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