Re: Keely-frequency

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 19:31:51 -0500

> ectoplasm from a seance..<g>...that's just what we
> need, that you have to be a medium to make this stuff
> that case, we might as well forget it unless
> we can induce a brainwave signature that will EVOKE
> such abilities at will....though I'd rather NOT have
> to go into a trance just to power my house or run my
> electric car...<g>...

Hey Jerry, you know, I've often wondered whether there might be a
neurotransmitter for particular psychic abilities, and we just haven't
discovered it yet. There are reported instances of actual clairvoyance among
the hallucinations induced by the chemical harmaline, as used in the form of the
Banisteriopsis caapi vine by various South American tribes.

--Jim Shaffer, Jr.;"Q:  How do you conclude a formal business letter to a cable company? A:  'I spit on your billing department.'"-Dave Barry, 12/5/99

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