Re: Biological Transmutations - Kervran - More
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 20:01:10 EST

Hi folks,

As a follow up to Jerry's post about biological transmutations, which I also
mention on my Primary Energy site, you can order Kervran's book from the

Here is part of the publisher's promo:

> Biological Transmutations opens up new fields of inquiry based on the
discovery of regularly occurring low-energy transformations in the elementary
compositions of nature. Professor Kervran challenges the narrow mindedness of
those who ignore data that fails to conform to pre-existing scientific
paradigms. In Biological Transmutations he demands - and provides - a new
explanatory framework for a wide range of mysterious natural phenomena
related to the environment and human health.<

>This exciting book was first translated into English in 1971 by Crosby
Lockwood and published in a now out of print hardcover edition by Beekman
Publishers, Inc. in 1980. Reprinted this year in a beautiful new paperback
edition, Biological Transmutations offers insight into current controversies
including the treatment of osteoporosis with dietary calcium, the management
of "incurable" diseases such as arthritis and atherosclerosis, the
fluorination of water, organic gardening versus the use of chemical
fertilizers, experiments with "cold fusion," safety in the workplace, and
potential military applications. The insights in Biological Transmutations
are provocative and visionary. Highly recommended reading.<

In addition to the simple experiment Jerry mentioned, there are numerous
others that can be performed relatively simply. Kervran is long on details
and data of his experiments and findings, and brief on theory. But his
mountain of evidence is overwhelming. Even peer review concluded his data
was sound, and he recieved high praise for an important discovery (but
unfortunately it flies in the face of accepted theories, such as the standard
model, and nuclear physics, and as such his work has simply been ignored -
they couldn't burn him at the stake like Pons and Fleishman, 'cause his data
was so rigorous, so they just ignored him) (there's a cautionary tale here -
see my previous post concerning "The Consensus Reality" [Primary Energy -
Introduction]- if most do not believe it is possible, then you ain't going to
convince 'em otherwise - easily or even with "proof" - free will issues) (in
my opinion, the way to change perceptions/belief is gradually, like water on
limestone - just keep small amounts continuously flowing)

This evidence that all bio systems routinely use nuclear transmutations to
create elements and compounds from others, demonstrates that the "current
theories and models" are seriously flawed or inadequate.

For example: Kervran did an extensive study of men working on oil rigs in the
Sahara, and discovered we humans use a transmutation (reversible one) between
sodium and potassium to regulate our body temperature - not from burning
calories or sweating. to effect cooling we convert sodium into potassium,
which absorbs energy; and the reverse is also true - we convert potassium to
sodium for heating. (Nutritionists have been way off on this whole idea of
too much sodium in our diet - in some desert countries salt is valued more
highly than gold)

If you are interested in "New Science" get this book!

(I also believe there is a distinct possibility that the rate, or some other
quality of a biological transmutation, may be seriously influenced by the
Primary energy "beams" that I speak of - experiments planned - will let you



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