Re:3d pattern of infinity-not new - Buckminster Fuller!
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 19:17:18 EST

Hi Folks,

To reply to the following message:
>Subject: three-dimensional structure/variable/pattern of
>Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 23:47:28 GMT

>Have you ever heard of a 'three-dimensional
>structure/variable/pattern of infinity'?

>I have have 'discovered' such a pattern a few years back. I
>know, so what? Who hasn't? Well, as far as I know, no one
>has actually created a structure/pattern of repeating
>variables (numbers, colors, letters, whatever).

>The three dimensional triangle is the sole structure of this

>If you correctly place 20 triangles side by side from a
>center point, you will get a perfect 20 sided dice. This is
>the big deal: you now have 21 edges/lines going in
>independent directions and 13 points where the triangles'
>corners meet.

I believe this idea is not new - Buckminster Fuller proposed this and other
ideas many years ago. You can find very thorough treatment of a lot of
advanced thinking in his works. He postulated that the universe was based on
certain geometric structures, and that all that is could be derived from a
few simple constructs.

In fact his "geodesic domes" are the result of this idea. A 20 sided dice
sounds like an icosahedron. Fuller points out I believe (it's been awhile
since I read him, my entire library was tragically lost some time ago
including a large hard cover edition of his book "Patents", and an
autographed first edition of "Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth")

For a very complete and thorough treatment of this advanced geometry /
universe / infinity / structure concepts - see "Synergetics" both I and II,
by R. Buckminster Fuller. All his other books are most enlightening as well,
and the others are not nearly as dry and math intensive as Synergetics.

This guy was way ahead of his time - and understood much more than most about
the universe. He also had a very practical, and pragmatic approach and
perspective which is still valid now.



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