Gravity and electromagnetism.
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 17:35:28 EST


Excellent observations / postulate by: "Gavin Dingley" -

>Hi all,
>I had a theory a few years ago regarding a link between electromagnetism and

>The theory of relativity (both general and special) regards the speed of
>light being constant. In special relativity a body moving at a constant
>velocity undergoes a change in mass, length and "rate" of time. In general
>relativity the constant speed of light means that a light will follow the
>curvature of space-time.

>Now in optics there is the phenomena of refraction which is caused by light
>moving from one medium in to another, I.e. the speed of the light changes at
>the barrier of the two mediums. This in turn is due to the difference in
>electromagnetic constants of the two different mediums (permativity and

>The vacuum also has these two parameters (permitivity:- 12.85pF/m and
>Permeability:- 4* pi * 10^-7 H/m). If these two values were to change over a
>gradient, then you would get the bending of light in free-space...gravity.
>Well just a thought.



In addition to "refraction", i.e., change in the speed of light on passing
between two different "mediums", there is also "Fresnel Drag" : When light
travels through matter, as in a liquid, it's speed is reduced, from that in a
vacuum; And if you move the liquid, the speed of the light is further
altered, corresponding with the fluid motion.

This would tend to indicate that there is some kind of "entrainment" or
serious interaction between matter and light!

The fact that as Gavin is suggesting, "the vacuum" has a value for this
"electromagnetic constant of a medium", might indicate that there is indeed a
"medium" in a vacuum! (sure sounds like aether to me)

His further suggestion of a possible manipulation of light and hence gravity
(as GR and SR link them with the curvature of space-time), by altering the
Permittivity, or Permeability of the medium, in a strong "gradient", is most
intriguing. Might this be the mechanism of how trees reduce gravity in the
sap channels to effect a flow of the sap to great heights, as Wagner claims
to have measured?

A possibility that only came to mind upon reading Gavin's comments. We know
that biological systems do function by using electrical charges, and that
they are decidedly nonlinear in many respects - it may not be a great leap of
faith to presume that by a multitude of organic cells, each acting as non
linear dielectrics, set up a coherence, to create such a macro "gradient" of
Permittivity, or Permeability in the desired region. ( or act in sequence
like the muscular effect of swallowing - and use gravity alone as a linear
sap "pump") (truth may indeed prove stranger than fiction)

And the Biefield-Brown Effect of a "thrust" being produced by way of a large
electric field "Gradient", within a nonlinear Dielectric having a sharp
"gradient" of dielectric constant which is related to the permittivity of the
material (these terms taken right from Brown's patents). This thrust has
been linked to gravity, in that a further version of this "thrust" producing
apparatus has been shown to vary it's output in direct correlation to the
movements of the Sun/Moon/Earth - indicating a sensitive measurement of the
slight changes in the local gravity by these celestial movements.

If I may offer another comment: The Michelson-Morley Experiment DOES NOT
disprove the existence of an aether; It DOES INDICATE that the aether is not
a solid as was thought at the time. If the aether had properties like a
liquid or gas (or plasma), then there would most certainly be some
entrainment (assumes aetheric viscosity) by the movement of the earth. (this
"entrainment" seems to be evident in the phenomenon of "Fresnel Drag")

Further, if the aether were a very tenuous, gas like material, and if both
matter and light were both concentrations of aether, at different densities,
created by an Electromagnetic wave motion (standing waves of some kind),
matter being considerably more dense (of aetheric material) than light, they
would both be influenced in similar ways by an aether "drift". If this were
true, then one can expect the null result of the M-M experiment!
(and the wave particle duality of both light and matter, get neatly resolved
via the standing wave creation of both "concentrations" of aether observed as
light and matter)

While these are all interesting correlations, what does this "prove"? Not
much per say, however, correct me if I am in error here: - if a theoretical
model can be used to predict a number of phenomenon, and some evidence is in
support of this model, however tenuous or circumstantial; Doesn't it warrant
further investigation?

Isn't this the basis of many discoveries of the past? Indeed some
"discoverers" have done so due to their naivety in that they did not have a
preconceived or dogmatic perspective. (No one told them that such and such
was impossible, so they were able to see the "connections" from a new
perspective) - think about it - have you ever dropped something small on the
floor, and tried in vain to find it? You finally either give up, or change
your viewing perspective, and suddenly there it is right in front of you, and
your scans had somehow missed it)

The Truth is often "Hidden in Plain Sight", and it is preconceived notions or
perspectives which keep us from seeing it!

Anyway, enough rambling.



PS: A simple experiment comes to mind to explore this permittivity of a
vacuum / bends light and alters gravity idea: set up a Biefield Brown device
along with a laser interferometer, on the appropriate vibration isolation
table etc. Place the whole apparatus in a high vacuum chamber, with window
ports for the laser light, and see if there is any bending of light in the
region of the "thrust" of the device, and which corresponds to any change in
thrust. If there is bending of light, and in the same direction as the
thrust - maybe there is something to all this?

Conversely, set up the interferometer, with a nonlinear, optical crystal
dielectric, (there are such materials) and apply a high voltage gradient as
in a Brown effect device, and see if in addition to a change in refraction of
the light through the crystal, there is any wieght change, or thrust of/by
the crystal! (this one's simpler, no need for high vacuum stuff)

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