Gravity and electromagnetism.

Gavin Dingley ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 00:39:05 -0000

Hi all,
I had a theory a few years ago regarding a link between electromagnetism and

The theory of relativity (both general and special) regards the speed of
light being constant. In special relativity a body moving at a constant
velocity undergoes a change in mass, length and "rate" of time. In general
relativity the constant speed of light means that a light will follow the
curvature of space-time.

Now in optics there is the phenomena of refraction which is caused by light
moving from one medium in to another, I.e. the speed of the light changes at
the barrier of the two mediums. This in turn is due to the difference in
electromagnetic constants of the two different mediums (permativity and

The vacuum also has these two parameters (permitivity:- 12.85pF/m and
Permeability:- 4* pi * 10^-7 H/m). If these two values were to change over a
gradient, then you would get the bending of light in free-space...gravity.
Well just a thought.



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