Re: Dangers in Electrolyzing salt water

Michael S. Johnston ( (no email) )
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 22:50:16 -0500

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Oh yeah, as long as we're at it we might as well throw in some additional
safety hints regarding DEADLY CHLORINE GAS!
1) If you are cleaning the house don't mix bleach and ammonia. This releases
2) If your puppy pisses on the floor don't clean it up with ammonia. This
3) If your tomcat "sprays" your furniture don't use bleach to clean it up (
I believe semen is alkaline). This could release DEADLY CHLORINE GAS!
My god, with all this DEADLY CHLORINE GAS around us it's a wonder any of
us lives past birth.

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> As many of you know, all posts to this list are publicly
> archived and free to search and view at;
> Many people do not choose to subscribe but do check out the
> posts periodically.
> Some even write emails if they have something to offer or
> want to share with the list.
> One of these people is someone whose opinion I and many
> others respect and he was somewhat disturbed with the recent
> posts about electrolyzing salt water, and voiced his
> concerns when he wrote;
> > .....these absurd hydrogen posts are going to kill somebody.
> > Electrolyzing salt water generates deadly chlorine gas.
> >
> and suggests it be clearly stated so that anyone who might
> be tempted to experiment with any of these claims, be very
> aware of the hazards;
> > Posting a warning that electrolyzing salt water may liberate chlorine
> > gas might be appropriate..
> So I'm posting his concerns in the interest of safety.
> --
> Jerry Wayne Decker -
> from an Art to a Science
> Voice : (214)324-8741 - FAX : (214)324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716
> Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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