Re: Chronovisor?

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 18:22:27 -0500

> >In 1950 the English engineer George Delawar [sic] was
> >experimenting along lines
> Unfortunately he also seems to be impossible to find in a search it turns up
> one listing which gives this same account that was posted here.

Try searching for "Delawarr".

> I have the Drown Camera as well as some other supposed Time Camera's on my
> site at:

The link for "Another Supposed Time Camera" doesn't work. It points to a file
on your local hard drive instead of on the website. (Did you design the site
with Microsoft FrontPage Express? It leaves broken links like that all the

--Jim Shaffer, Jr.;"Q:  How do you conclude a formal business letter to a cable company? A:  'I spit on your billing department.'"-Dave Barry, 12/5/99

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