Re: QUANTUM GRAVITY? A Merging of Theories?
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 20:36:59 EST

Hi folks,

Just came across this very intriguing site which proposes to have
mathematical proof or at least support, for a unification of Relativity,
General Relativity, and Quantum Electrodynamics.

It also may lend some support to many of the theories and models which some
mavericks propose as to the nature of reality.

The math is way beyond my grasp - but his descriptions and conclusions are
very enlightening. Anybody out there fluent enough with the math to see if
it has merit?

Also It appears to me that it infers the existence of a medium of some kind
(aether) - as it uses the idea that "empty space" can have a "refractive
index" to wave functions. I know that wave functions are supposed to be an
abstraction, but it seems to me that these terms are more applicable to
"something" as opposed to "nothing".

Is it some support towards the idea that "time is gravity", as Keely said?
Or that "capacitance is to gravity, as induction is to magnetism" as Faraday
said? There are a few more of these little gems, but they escape me for now.

Food for thought.

The paper is titled:

The Probability Wave Dispersion Interpretation of Relativity

( )



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