
Slavek Krepelka ( slavek.krepelka@sympatico.ca )
Tue, 07 Dec 1999 22:54:17 -0500

Hello all.

I might need a bit of help here. I am fairly computer illiterate. I am
going to E-mail the document to all of you who asked for it as an
attachment in text only. It would be nice, though, if someone who knows
what he is doing posted the thing somwhere as URL for other peoples'

Upfront, I stuck to Ed's text. I did not do any interpretations of my
own, except where some of his set ups are concerned. If there is anyone
who might be interested in my interpretations, we can shoot it out as a
disscusion right here.

I have mispelled Ed's name in the heading. My apology.

Regards Slavek.

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