Test to prove water theory

Michael S. Johnston ( (no email) )
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 16:09:26 -0500

I'll be as brief as I can. If you would like to test the validity of
what I have been saying in regard to the separation of water there is a
very simple test that you could do.
First we have to think about what happens in generating electricity.
We burn a fuel, say hydrogen, in a motor or to heat water in a boiler.
Next we use the mechanical energy of the motor or the steam from the
boiler to turn a generator. During that process we lose quite a bit of
the original energy contained in the fuel that we burn. There isn't any
more energy laying around is there? If we match the system up so that it
takes all the motor can do to turn the generator we've used up all of
the available energy right? Say we use 1 mole of hydrogen to fuel the
motor. We know that that mole of H2 releases about 68.32 kcal of energy.
We also know we can't get even close to that amount of energy coming out
of the generator that the motor is hooked up to right?
Ok then. If we pass 68.32 kcal of energy through a separator it will
cause the water within it to decompose into 1 mole of H2 and that one
mole of H2 (when burned) will release about 68.32 kcal of energy. That
means that there should be NO energy left over doesn't it?
Why should you even have to ground the separator? My contention is
that if you measure the amount of the electricity that is leaving the
separator via the ground cable you will find that it is very nearly the
amount that you are putting into it. There is the problem. That should
be impossible if all of your electricity is being used to separate the
There you go. Simple test. Build a separator for 5 or 10 bucks,put in
some tap water, add some salt, hook it up to a battery (steady power
source) and then use a voltmeter to determine the amount of current
flowing into the separator and how much is leaving it. If any at all is
leaving it I am right and the world has a new source of energy which is
cheap, renewable, non-polluting and limitless.
This will be my last post here.

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