WIRED - 11/6/98 - What is cold fusion is real?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 21:17:25 -0600

Hi Folks!

Bert Pool and a few others sent the URL for an article in WIRED about
what if cold fusion is real? Here is my response to the author and
Hi Charles Platt (cp@panix.com) & Editors at Wired (rants@wired.com)!

With regard to the article posted at;


Let's be clear, the purpose of 'cold fusion' as promoted is to create a
self-running process that will produce energy in the form of heat,
hopefully in sufficient quantities and over a long enough time period as
to pay for the cell in the first place.

The tiny amounts of transumted elements produced in the operation are
'artefacts' of no consequence at this point.

I attended Dr. John Bockris' low level energy conferences at his
invitation and have known Gene Mallove (an excellent writer and public
speaker) for a few years now.

Besides having the honor of knowing Dr. Bockris and Gene, I also know
Ken Shoulders (discoverer of 'charge clusters' where electrons are bound
together in grapelike clumps to be ejected and exploded to produce all
kinds of phenomena, INCLUDING cold fusion like 'dirt'/contaminants) and
have met a few of the other cold fusion proponents, though Ken is
definitely not one of them. The academics don't think much of me
because I don't have a Ph.D and am not affiliated with any academic

Gene gets upset with me but he is a fair guy and although he thinks I am
off base on my view of cold fusion, the problem remains as transmutation
which contaminates the purity of the components in cold fusion

Now cold fusion has grown into a church, much like the Church of Tesla
or should I say cult..<g>...

John Bockris told me that he could not understand the interest in the
anomalous heat production, that if he had the funding, he would devote
the remainder of his life to the phenomena of transmutation. A process
that clearly occurs in cold fusion cells and acts to contaminate and
inevitably kill the heat production process.

To my view, cold fusion is a novel battery that produces 'anomalous'
heat as a byproduct. I say this because a battery loses its ability to
hold a useful charge over a period of 3 to 5 years, though some last

In the case of a lead acid battery, we have plates which must be kept
clean since the more surface area we have available, the more charge can
be stored.
As the battery is used, heat causes the sulphuric acid to precipitate as
sulphate onto the plates, thus reducing the surface area and causing the
battery to lose the ability to hold the charge.

How to restore the charge capacity of a lead acid battery? There are
chemicals which supposedly dissolve the sulphate. Battery rebuild
businesses gut the case and refinish or replace the plates and sell them
as reconditioned.

Much like retreaded tires, they can be recycled, but at what cost for
the cold fusion components compared to the amount of heat produced
before they 'die'?

Take the cold fusion cells, using very pure components, in the purported
'cold fusion reaction' that takes place inside the cell, transmutation
occurs which produces the heat. The more transmutation, the less heat.
Eventually, the heat production reduces to levels of no practical use.

How to restore the cell? Clean it out thoroughly and replace the

And these components aren't cheap nor is it my opinion that the heat
released FROM THE DECAY of the components is of sufficient intensity or
duration to warrant chasing this phantom that has now gone commercial
with nothing practical to sell.

I understand that some in the cold fusion circles think there might be a
way for the contaminants to also produce a lesser heat level but I think
it is a waste of time and technical skill of which there is an abundance
being devoted to the quest for cold fusion.

Now the same thing happens with the free energy fans, still no working
machine, lots of bogus plans and tons of claims, most seeking to
capitalize on gullible people. One major con is even now AGAIN making
its way across the US, raising the same bogus claims over and over, with
people ever hopeful of something real, to date, that has not happened.

And let's not forget our illustrious 13 billion per year NASA, which has
gone on a publicity tear aimed at steering and inflaming the public to
focus on Mars, knowing that Congress will be influenced by 'public
opinion' and so grant them ever more outrageous sums of money they can
waste with impunity. Look at the last fiasco, 123 million dismissed by
the comment, 'we learned something'.

Someone once wrote that 'public opinion is but the average stupidity of
mankind.' We need to get with with program and walk before we fly.

Jeezus H, we don't EVEN have a space station, we don't EVEN have a
colony on the moon, they have crashed (I think) 19 of 32 flights and
worst of all, they still focus on ROCKETS as the ONLY source of getting
into space.

Look at the interesting phenomena presented by the Tampere experiment,
an RF stimulated superconductor that produces an aledged column above
the superconductor that produces a 2% weight loss in both organic and
inorganic matter. Granting $600,000 to fund a duplication of this to
what end?

It's not REMOTELY related to gravity control, it is magnetic.

Again, Jeezus H....this weight loss DOES NOT APPEAR BELOW the

Now what is below that is not above such a suspended, excited
superconductor?....hmmm, could it be.....MAGNETISM...as in the flux
lines of the earth which are distorted by the superconductor via the
Meissner effect.

Think not? Check out the flying frogs and apricot pitts and about
anything else that is stuck into a tube excited at 13 teslas (magnetic
flux), freely floating with cool videos on their website at;


And why, if our country is going to let these NASA goofballs blow our
tax money at least sponsor someone who had much greater success, John
Schnurer at Antioch University, written up in Newsweek with a 5% weight
reduction duplicated in 11 successive tests. Check it out at;


Despite the intensity of the effect, its like a carrot suspended from a
stick and held in front of a goat attached to a wagon...he'll follow
that carrot. So you put a huge superconducting disk in a spaceship on
earth, then crank it up and what happens? Will the spaceship fly, no.

I don't know the answer but I'll bet the weight lost is reflected as a
weight gain in the superconductor itself, haven't received an answer for
that question yet.

Since I am on the subject of wasting efforts and money based on
erroneous observations, claims and speculation, let's also talk about
free energy, antigravity and time travel 'plans'.

Come on people, wake up! If those 'plans' worked, wouldn't we be knee
deep in machines and news reports about these things working?

In closing, I respect Gene Mallove and admire his tenacity in promoting
cold fusion, however, in my opinion, it is misguided and diverting
resources. I have to agree with Dr. Bockris, these efforst would be
better devoted to the phenomena of transmutation and quit worrying about
the heat.

Someone at a conference said transmutation that could produce tritium at
3/4 of a million bucks per ounce would definitely find a market and make
a fortune. It's not free energy,

At one of Dr. Bockris 'Low Level Energy Conferences', I pointed out to a
few of these researchers that the first 'cold fusion' experiment was
done by Gustave LeBon in the late 1800s, when he used distilled water to
wash out a beaker that had been filled with mercury.

When LeBon poured some of the distilled water from the mercury
contaminated beaker, onto a piece of aluminum, he reported that it got
very hot and stayed that way for a brief period.

LeBon wrote two amazing books, one on energy and one on matter. His
experiments covered radioactivity and both of his books, like many
others in the libraries at the time, were removed from all public
libraries while the Manhattan project was underway because it had so
many clues and discoveries regarding atomic processes.

I think the focus of energy researchers should be on tapping into the
forces that cause the planets to orbit on a macro scale and electrons to
orbit on a micro scale.

This would be an energy source available anywhere, inexhaustible and
would not consume mass, therefore not pollute our world. That is one of
the primacy foci of KeelyNet.

I have long urged Inifinite Energy, the magazine that Gene created and
produces, to not focus so much on cold fusion but other promising energy
related technologies that are of equal or superior interest.

I'll close my little diatribe. It was a nice article, well written and
researched but pointless because cold fusion IS a novel heat battery and
in my considered opinion has no practical future as a practical and
affordable energy producing method.

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -  jdecker@keelynet.com             http://www.keelynet.com             from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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